Artistic finds: Downtown Harlingen launches Virtual Mural Hunt

HARLINGEN — An array of colorful, large-scale murals can be found throughout this area that showcases local artists’ talent and this city’s rich history.

Downtown Harlingen announced the creation of its first Virtual Mural Hunt.

From tributes of well-known figures to historic and cultural representations of the area, more than 20 murals can be found throughout Harlingen’s downtown district.

To participate in the Virtual Mural Hunt, participants can post pictures of themselves on social media with the murals they find and include the hashtag “#HGNMURALHUNT.”

Participants have a chance to be featured on Downtown Harlingen’s social media pages.

Downtown Harlingen director Alexis Alaniz said the idea was inspired by other Texas main streets around the state.

“They’re trying to incorporate as much as possible to anything virtual,” Alaniz said. “I know we don’t have our Art Night and our Market Days happening right now, but we still want people to come out here and to know that some of our small businesses are open.”

Alaniz said participants can post recent mural-related photos or any taken in the past.

Mural artist Mario Godinez has recently completed two of the city’s newest additions to its mural program.

Godinez’s History of Rock and Roll murals symbolize the history of rock and roll music through different decades and features several iconic musicians.

According to Alaniz, the murals are located on the side wall of 124 West Jackson, and Godinez will create four more murals.

“Those are our two bright, colorful additions to our Art Night for A Street,” Alaniz said. “They are going to be phenomenal ones when all of them are put up.”

To view Downtown Harlingen’s Mural Guide, visit or stop by the department’s office at 209 W Jackson St. to pick up a brochure.