Port Isabel rescinds prior regulations, adopts state, county orders

PORT ISABEL — City officials and leaders continue to make adjustments in response to the ever-changing conditions of the coronavirus pandemic.

On Thursday, Port Isabel Mayor Juan Jose “JJ” Zamora issued a proclamation that rescinds previous regulations and adopts the orders of Gov. Greg Abbott and Cameron County Judge Eddie Treviño, Jr.

The proclamation addresses previous regulations and the reopening of exercise centers and beauty businesses such as barber shops and tanning salons.

Personnel of these businesses shall wear facial coverings in publicly-accessible areas of the facility, the proclamation states.

All salon, barber, cosmetology and tanning establishments shall operate in accordance with the governor’s guidance for businesses, which includes maintaining a distance of 6 feet or more between customers.

A barber or cosmetologist may not provide services to more than one customer at a time, the proclamation states.

Additionally, customer touch surfaces must be sanitized between customers and sanitizer or other hand washing facilities must be available.

No salon, barber, cosmetology and tanning establishment shall permit a person to be upon its premises without a facial covering.

An exception is that such coverings may be removed by customers to the extent necessary to perform procedures.

Establishments are encouraged to operate on an appointment basis to limit the number of people congregating in waiting areas, the proclamation states.

Exercise centers, offices, manufacturing facilities and other facilities described in the governor’s order may operate according to the governor’s guidelines.

Patrons of exercise centers and people upon the premises of other covered facilities are encouraged to wear facial coverings and to maintain a distance of 6 feet or more between other people upon the same premises.

Exercise centers shall not permit persons under the age of 14 upon their premises.

Visit the city’s website at myportisabel.com to view the entire proclamation.

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