Vernon Middle School World Languages Academy ribbon cutting set for Monday


Harlingen CISD invites the community to the ribbon cutting of the Vernon Middle School World Languages Academy to be held on Monday, March 2.

The ribbon-cutting kicks off Texas Public Schools Week, a statewide celebration of more than 1,000 public school districts. “We are super proud and excited to kick off Texas Public Schools Week at our newest academy, the Vernon Middle School World Languages Academy,” said Superintendent Dr. Art Cavazos. “At HCISD, we are preparing our students to compete on a global scale by incorporating multilingual education along with choices and opportunities to meet the needs of all children.” The Vernon Middle School World Languages Academy teaches students about multiple cultures by connecting them with students in other countries.

Students’ literacy and writing skills are also developed simultaneously.

Students have the opportunity to learn Mandarin Chinese, which is the number one spoken language in the world and the second most spoken language of commerce.

Spanish is the second top language of commerce and the third most spoken around the world. Additional language options are also offered at the Vernon Middle School World Languages Academy. The ribbon-cutting ceremony begins at 10 a.m. on Monday, March 2. The campus is located at 125 S. 13th Street in Harlingen. Campus tours will be offered following the ceremony