LETTERS: LNG pollutants

Accolades are in order for the Texas Tribune Event at Doctors Hospital Renaissance Edinburg. This well attended event featured panel discussions on the Future of Health Care. All panelists and attendees agreed this topic was a complex one which involved the environment, preventive care, lifestyle, and particularly how health care today has evolved into sick care.

I listened to Eddie Lucio III, one of the panelists, laud good diet and exercise, especially running. But then, hasn’t Congressman Lucio enthusiastically endorsed the siting of 3 LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) Export Terminals on the Brownsville Ship Channel?

This brought to mind a recent conversation with a friend about the organization Physicians for Social Responsibility report on the Health Risks of Liquefied Natural Gas. Our area is being threatened by an Environmental Justice problem as liquefaction and export facilities often have disproportionate impacts on minority and

sensitive populations where the siting of these huge facilities will be close to schools and nursing homes.

This will be the case for Pt. Isabel in particular but also includes SPI and Laguna Vista.

There is scant public research on the byproducts in the “purification” process of LNG. Air quality in the area will be of poorer quality, and there will be emissions of methane, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, Volatile Organic Compounds, Particulate Matter and more which will cause and exacerbate respiratory, cardiovascular, neurological, and other health conditions.

In addition, these pollutants will destroy/degrade local habitation and wildlife (LANWR) as well as the local industries of ecotourism, fishing and shrimping.

How does Congressman Lucio or any of our local congressmen rationalize prioritizing business interests over the long term health and well-being of his constituency and the natural resources of our area?

Diane Teter, Edinburg