Grant to help reduce impaired driving


Staff Writer

HARLINGEN — The Harlingen Police Department, in partnership with the Texas Department of Transportation, will begin its last patrol stage funded by awarded funds through the Impaired Driving Mobilization Step Grant.

“The first stage we had was the Christmas and New Year’s wave but after we have our Spring Break wave and then our Independence Day wave, we are now in our last one,” police Sgt. Larry Moore said.

“This last one is called Labor Day crackdown and it is to intensify enforcement through coordinated patrols in an overtime step placing primary emphasis on increasing DUI arrests and reducing the number of alcohol related crashes,” he said.

Authorities have emphasized patrolling every holiday stage and will now finish their last one. The enforcement period begins on Friday, Aug. 16, and runs through Monday, Sept. 2.

“The specific zones that these officers will be working are areas where there have been serious injury or someone has been killed in a traffic-related or alcohol-related accident and they work on five-hour shifts,” he said.