LETTERS: Have the courage to own it

In reference to the human massacre in El Paso, Texas.

President Trump the (self-proclaimed) uniter of this country has united the White Nationalist, KKK, Aryan racist, and other White problem individuals and tacitly declared genocide on the brown population. More specifically, Hispanics.

Now if your last name is like Rodriguez, Franco, Barrientos and other Hispanics names you are on the list.

And to the Hispanics Trump supporters….you made that monster. I hope you have the courage to own it.

Weak minds fall for anything and place others like Trump on a pedestal.

Add this. “They tried to kill Hispanics only. They could not identify who to shoot. So they shot at everybody.” (Gilmore shooting).

People. this thing about blaming others for your personal problems just look in the mirror. There is your answer. (Dayton,OH shooting).

I still remember when presidential candidate Trump used to blame massacres on Obama and Hillary Clinton. I hope he has the courage to own the problems on his tenure.

Santiago Perez San Benito