Local shops offering discounts on Small Business Saturday

HARLINGEN — The glittering jewelry on the table is waiting for a visit.

Waiting for customers still looking for deals the day after Black Friday, when they flooded the big box stores throughout the city.

Today is Small Business Saturday and locally-owned businesses, like LUXE downtown, have new merchandise at discount prices.

“I’m probably going to do 20 percent off all merchandise,” owner Fidi Guillen said.

She looked over the Virgins, Saints & Angels jewelry glistening on a small table. Cut glass beads the color of amber and blue ran down necklaces toward San Benito medallions.

“They are hand-made, every piece,” she said. “We are the only one that carries them here.”

Beto Pena is cutting prices as much as 40 percent on everything at the downtown Sportz Fanz.

“I’ve got a 10 by 10-foot canopy with the Dallas Cowboys logo on it,” he said. “My regular price is $120. Today and tomorrow, it’s about $100,” he said yesterday.

Pena and his wife Nellie Cortez are co-owners of the business at 111 E. Jackson. While Pena owns Sportz Fanz on one side of the store, his wife owns Western Bling at Make It Personal on the other side.

“All of our western goods are 30 percent off,” she said.

Her area was filled with straw hats, leather belts, stylized leather purses and other items from brands such as Nocona, Ariat and Crazy Train.

“We have new merchandise coming in,” she said. “We have a lot of stuff in this little shop.”

Need a brand new Sherpa pullover?

You can get one at Teal along with a pair of high-waisted belt shorts, a maroon satin jogger or a black suede skirt.

“I am doing the entire store at 15 percent off,” said Michelle Cavazos, owner of the downtown store. “They are high quality. There’s a lot of stuff for your holiday events, casual wear, some good stocking stuffers.”

If you’re looking for antiques, try AB’S FINE THINGS, also downtown.

“I have six vendors,” said owner Margarito Balderas. “Most of them have 20 to 30 percent off. We have antique furniture and vintage jewelry.”

Some shops like LUXE will have refreshments for customers.

“We’re going to have mimosas and mini cupcakes,” Guillen said.

A mimosa is a cocktail made of champagne and juice, a fine way to browse the store for deals on leopard print skirts, burgundy dresses with lace collars, and items with colorful sequins.


108 million shoppers spent $12.9 billion on Small Business Saturday 2017

9 in 10 U.S. consumers reported the event “has had a positive impact on their community”

80 percent of all consumers surveyed say at least some of their holiday shopping will be done at small, independently-owned retailers or restaurants

Source: Small Business Saturday Consumer Insights Survey