Insults don’t change opinion of Trump

As is often the case, I want to address those who continue to use this forum to attack and disparage President Trump.

First, I never cease to be amazed by the ignorance and hypocrisy exhibited by Trump haters. First they go on and on about what a horrible person the President is because of his name calling and abrasive style. They then proceed to insult and call the President every name in the book.

Some question his mental capacity and fitness for the Oval Office. If President Trump is a person of low or diminished mental abilities, how did he become one of the wealthiest individuals in this country and the world and how was he able to defeat 16 career/establishment politicians, including the so called “best qualified presidential candidate ever?”

I, for one, support and will continue to support President Trump over any politically correct, do nothing politician who is big on promises but short on results.

Ben Castillo Harlingen