Disagreeing with another Garcia

I wanted to respond to the community Forum’s Letter to the Editor written by Frank Garcia (no relation) in the VMS dated 8/31/18 Page A4.

Mr. Garcia, I appreciate you’re honesty when you said that Russia had nothing to do with you voting for Trump. That statement made my decision to write you a response easy. I want you to know before I lay some knowledge on you that I’m not a Democrat or Republican. I see both sides as arbitrary in their own way, but I also see some good in both sides.

Those sides have become iron clad walls that have divided this country. And whether you like it or not, you voted for Trump because he

told you so, and his words were being bank rolled by the Russians.

Even to this day, if you turn down the volume when Trump speaks, you can hear the eerie sounds of Putin’s high pitched voice.

I agree with you that the investigation is a pipe dream. A diversion leading us down a prim rose path for people who have a real hatred for Trump. People on the left seem to jump at the first sight of any wrong doing by a man that is less than admirable.

Trump’s lack of integrity seems to fly by his supporters, and they seem to look past many of his illicit misdoings and transgressions. The double standard that many of his supporters, including you, have elected to plaster into your minds is laughable when related to what those same people, most of them Republican Christians, would’ve thought if a black president with the name “Hussein” would’ve done the same things Trump did.

You seem to overlook many facts about our president. Facts.

And further I would gamble that you, a church going man, look past his comments about molestation lust.

I challenge you to see the truth, Mr. Garcia. The truth that while there are many bums in politics that are right now invading the airwaves of our minds; spewing misguided rhetoric to warp and distort reality, there is no bum greater than Trump.

I thank you for reading this, I hope you read it with an open mind. For I, like you, love this country and hope and pray for the day we will be united under a strong leader with integrity and decency and not be divided by a bum with a wig.

Sincerest Regards,

Phillip A. Garcia, Harlingen