Response to N. Rodriguez

It seems that N. Rodriguez is determined to mimic our President. Always blaming the Democrats, “spineless establishment Republicans,” judges who are not Godly, and others for all his perceived ills that the country may be experiencing, referring to them as liberals, socialists, communists and other choice names.

He blames these groups for causing a “generic” prayer and the Bible for being banned from schools and for ordering school districts to mix genders in showers. Judging from his false and misleading statements makes me think he is what some would call a “Trump wanna be.”

You keep repeating this venom and misinformation enough times and after a while people start to believe it.

My guess, and it is only a guess, is that Rodriguez, like Trump, did not serve in the military. If he had he would know that before you accepted you take an oath in which you swear to “… defend, protect and preserve the Constitution of the United States.”

If you serve in elective or appointed office, you take the same oath. Therefore, those serving in those capacities have a duty only to the Constitution; not to a political party, political philosophy, religion, or bullies. Judges, except Supreme Court judges, do not select the cases that come to their courts. They just have to deal with the issues assigned to them and be loyal to the Constitution.

They know that some of their decisions will not win any popularity contest. They also recognize that regardless of whatever decision they arrive at, there will always be those who will vilify them if they disagree with their decision. But you can’t let that deter you, you just keep on trucking.

Rodriguez claims that prayer was banned in public schools in New York simply because they objected to a “generic” prayer. False and misleading. Read the case! The case Rodriguez references

is Engle v. Vitale. The State of New York enacted a law that required all schools to open the day by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer the statute provided.

The prayer: “Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon Thee, and we beg Thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers and our country. Amen.” Engle, a Jew, and other groups sued the state alleging that the reference to “Almighty God” contradicted their religious beliefs and that the statute violated the Establishment Clause (1st Amendment) of the Constitution.

The state argued that the since statute allowed students who objected to the prayer to excuse themselves, that would make the activity constitutional.

Not so, said the Supreme Court. The Court noted that Americans adhere to a wide variety of religions in the country and a state could not impose its own religious believes on them.

The purpose of the 1st Amendment was to prevent such government interference with religion.

So, as you can see, there wasn’t anything about “banning religion” in schools. The whole issue before the court was whether the statute was constitutional or not.

Rodriguez asks about what happened to Christmas parades. Well there are religious and other parades celebrating various causes also. Ever hear of the annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade?

The Charro Days Parade? And in Harlingen, this paper has always called the December parade the “annual Jaycee Christmas Parade.” I was even in charge of it one year.

He also wrongly states that a U.S. District Court judge “ordered” high schools in Oregon to mix genders in showers. Again, Read the case!

The case that came to Judge Marco A. Hernandez in Oregon concerned a school policy adopted by the school board that allowed a transgender male student to use the boys’ restroom, showers and locker rooms.

Some parents objected to the policy and sued to have the policy set aside. In upholding the policy

Judge Hernandez stated that transgender students should be allowed to use bathrooms that match the gender they identify with.

He did not “order” the schools in Oregon to mix genders in showers. The schools were already doing it on their own. The question was whether the policy was constitutional or not. It should be noted that Hernandez was nominated for the judgeship by George W. Bush.

So, when someone criticizes the courts for doing one thing or another, it is important to know what issues or questions were presented to the courts to decide.

Courts don’t make up their own facts or issues to decide. They look at what relief the parties request based on the facts and law that they present to the court.

The court may also look to whether it has the authority to grant the relief requested.

They may also need to look at other things, but each case stands on its own facts and the law that applies to those facts.

Rodriguez also alludes to his belief in the Bible that states that sex outside of a marriage between a man and a woman is sin.

He mentions the many unpleasant things that can occur because of these sinful events. Yet, he conveniently ignores the fact that the leader of our country must really be a sinful man according to his belief.

The leader of our country that should be a role model for all our children. Someone we should all respect and look up to. He ignores all of the allegations of extra-marital affairs attributed to our leader. But if the present leader were a Democrat, you better believe he would not have ignored him.

Maybe what they say of our leader is fake news. After all, it’s hard to believe that many guys could afford or would pay $130,000 for a one-night stand! Did you say Godless Left?

Melchor Chavez, Harlingen