Local man with rare condition thriving

Local man with rare condition thriving


Staff Writer

COMBES — Paul Montes is living the American Dream.

He has is own home. He has his career and he’s chasing down more goals despite any of his naysayers negative opinions.

When he was born doctors said he didn’t have a chance and was suffering from multiple birth defects.

Paul was born with Treacher Collins syndrome, a condition that affects the development of bones and other tissues of the face.

He didn’t look normal and for most of his youth he would have to endure questions about his appearance.

And his mother endured suggestions as extreme as, “why not let your son die,” because he was not living a normal life.

But they were all wrong as Paul Anthony Montes, 40, has always been living a normal life the best as he can despite being born with a sunken jaw, no cheek bones and a covered eye didn’t stop him from living.

His mother Olga Montes, 72, didn’t see her newborn son for several days after he was born.

“I never hid him from the public,” Olga said. “I had to quit my job to take care of him.”

Fast-forward to today and Paul, 40, is living on his own, graduated as an LVN with honors and works as a health aid provider at his patients home’s when he’s not working at the hospital on the weekends.

“He does everything on his own,” Olga said.

His mother said he’s defied the odds and continues to prove any naysayers wrong.

Paul has undergone 29 surgeries that include facial reconstruction.

“Surgeries were hard,” Olga said. “He has about 10 more surgeries to go.”

But at this point in his life Paul says he is fine and content with his body.

“He has a very good attitude and he’s a happy person,” Olga said.