Response off base

Recently, there was a rebuttal to my commentary concerning our state sales tax as being discriminatory between a low wage earner and a person of higher income.

Actually, my final conclusion made no mention of income disparities, my proof distinctly revealed a vast differential between the effort required, (the different number of hours three people worked to pay the tax levied upon the purchase of identical hard goods purchases).

My submission contained but one subject, contrary to an insinuation the rebuttal letter was contradicting multiple unrelated topics not appearing in my sales tax submission.

As to the rhetoric in the rebuttal, we should all be offended by this person’s continual references concerning an imaginary, “those of superior ability.” One person’s “superior ability” is of no consequence when likened to the, “superior ability” of any other person such as a palm tree trimmer, or a machine operator, or one’s favorite sports figure, which the writer cannot duplicate.

We each should be occasionally reminded that all things upon, or within this planet are a part of what we describe as, “Nature,” and within Nature there no two entities exactly identical, and each requires the presence of all others.

Jack Stevic, Harlingen