Saving life of unborn

It seems like some things are impossible, but saving the life of the unborn is always worth another try.

Why do Catholics and “Christians,” including members of the “clergy,” support the Godless, Democratic Socialist party?

The party that “abhors” God, the Bible, morals, morality, the rule of law, the U.S. Constitution, and Christianity?

Google and read, “The Democratic Party’s Godless Platform” @ (9/5/2012).

For “Christians” that don’t know, the Democratic Socialist party is also the party of taxpayer funded abortion on demand.

And according to, there have been over 60 million surgical abortions (babies taken out of their mothers’ wombs in pieces) and an estimated 250 million chemical abortions since Roe vs. Wade.

In contrast to the 300 million abortions in America, the Nazis “only” killed an estimated 17 million noncombatants during WW2.

That figure includes the murder of millions of men, women and children the Nazis deemed as being undesirable and/or inferior.

Kind of the exact same reasons unborn babies are aborted in America.

To me it makes perfect sense that a hypocrite and a supporter of the Godless Democratic Socialist party like Santiago Perez, would refer to President Trump as Hitler and the Fuhrer.

Because of his support for abortion, if anyone is like Hitler, it is Santiago Perez.

If any organization in America is like the Nazis party, it is the Godless, Democratic Socialist party.

This is what the Lord Himself says in Deuteronomy 30:19, “… I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing, therefore Choose Life.” It’s not a suggestion.

So why do so many “Christians,” including members of the “clergy,” choose to murder millions and millions of unborn babies?

How can anyone that prays, “Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is heaven,” support the butchering of the unborn?

Again, does anyone reading this letter believe it’s God’s will for 60 million unborn babies to be taken out of their mothers wombs in pieces and their body parts sold?

Franklin Graham has posted the following on Facebook and Twitter, “Abortion is a sin and clearly murder in God’s eyes.”

From catholicnewsagency. com, “The Catholic Church and abortion: The Catholic Church has consistently condemned abortion…”

From, 2/23/2018, “Bishop denies communion to pro-abortion Senator (Dick Durbin, D-IL.): The Bishop cited Canon 915: those ‘who obstinately persist in manifold grave sin are not to be admitted to Holy Communion’.”

It seems to me that there are an enormous amount of politicians, “Christians” and members of the “clergy” that either cannot comprehend what they read or have no conscience.

N. Rodriguez, Harlingen