Who is Santiago Perez?

Good morning Santiago Perez.

I just wanted to drop you a line and fill in some of the left out parts you described in you quest to find out Who is N. Rodriguez dated Feb. 27, 2018.

You evidently think that President Trump’s policies are not as prosperous as they are due to the fact that Wal-Mart is closing 60 plus stores.

Fact of the matter is, they are closing more stores than that along with a multitude of other companies (Kmart, J.C. Penny’s, Macy’s, Gap etc. etc.. over 5,000 locations and counting) but not because the of the new tax law.

Because those stores are not making the cut when it comes to operating in a targeted profit goal. They are not reaching their goal due to a couple of reasons one of which Wal-Mart is responsible for itself.

By making their own competition by placing Sam’s Club and Wal-Mart’s too close in proximity to each other.

But the big reason is online competition.

Some of the locations closing are going to become e-commerce locations to compete with modern online sales.

So the move has nothing to do with new tax policies. It’s a business thing. By the way, this has been going on before President Trump was elected.

Wal-Mart closed over 250 just a little more than two ago.

As for all those jobs lost, there is a constant turnover of the employment ratios in that there will be so many hires and so many dismissals in any given period of time.

The final tabulation is where the truth is and it is as stated in the following statement provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics “Annual average unemployment rates in 2017 decreased in 32 states and were little changed or unchanged in 18 states and the District of Columbia.

Employment-population ratios increased in 12 states, decreased in 2 states, and were little changed or unchanged in 36 states and the District.”

As for the chain migration issue, it’s not process that’s a problem. It’s the abuse of that program.

Many apply, then come and visit while waiting on the process and decide to stay and wait in the U.S. for their documents hence becoming an undocumented migrant which usurps the rule of law. By the research completed, it appears the FIRST LADIES parents processed properly.

As for President Trump considering a 25-cent gas tax for infrastructure funding…. Let see, 24 gallons x .25 = $6 x 2 tanks a week = $12 x 4 weeks = $48 x 12 months = $576 a year.

Considering he cancelled out the $1,650 (and climbing) penalty called “Shared Responsibility Fee” for not buying some mandated insurance I couldn’t afford, (which I got nothing in return for paying the penalty) a $576 tax that will not only benefit me but the country as a whole doesn’t seem so bad.

And lastly, President Donald Trump is his name. Not chucky.

Lawfully elected President of the United States of America. He has never changed his name because he wasn’t happy with who he was.

He did change political parties because his previous choice lost focus and moved away from unity of the country as a whole and plays only to “special interest identity” which in itself is divisive and noninclusive.

And you talking like you want to fight, calling people names and disrespecting our President and country is not the high road it will take to heal this nation. Please be part of the solution and not part of the problem.

Just FYI: I am male, military Veteran, married 40 years, and a resident of the valley since 1975.

God Bless.

Mike Tipton, Harlingen