To those who are confused …

It is no mystery why the GOP voted for the tax break. It’s about money.

Greed and the hope of millions of dollars in their pockets is the incentive. For the right price they will sell their mothers.

And they will sell their mothers with their mother’s consent to help anyone understand.

Allegiance to the United States of America has a price. Everyone’s price is different.

To me the most puzzling phenomena is when people tell me they are for tax break because it drives Wall Street higher.

None of the people that have answer in this manner have money in the stock market!!!

These people are being paid just above the minimum wage and more likely they will stay there the rest of their lives.

Yes some people will get rich but the total of those getting rich will be less than one percent.

Like I have said before half of the stock market is own by people outside our country. They sent their money here because they are of the same kind of people with greed.

Everyone else in the United States of America will stay just above minimum wage.

The rich give the poor and the middle class crumbs. They will pay just enough to keep everyone in their price.

The rich control the politicians who want to get richer themselves. That’s what the GOP tax break is all about.

If you believe the politicians that say it’s about jobs and growth. Go get an education and study economics and its history. Get the long history not just what happened last month or last year.

It helps to understand what greed really is. You don’t an education for that.

If you want to improve your lives live modestly and stay away from vices and you will do alright. Live within your means until your means get greater for whatever reason.

If you live long enough you will gather enough money to live a happy life if you work at it. You will exit this world happy.

If not, you will die anyway and leave the bills to your spouse and siblings. You choose. Some will exit this world happy with the bills not paid.

Santiago Perez San Benito