The real reason for the season

When you have lived in poverty as a child, it is almost a fairytale when compared to Christmas today.

Indoor plumbing, hot water, cell phone, cable TV, new cars, meats and sweets are things that the poorest of us no longer do without.

The government has seen to it that no one starves in this country and that the poorest amongst us have affordable healthcare.

With higher education we have secured better jobs, higher incomes and our children have a better chance to dream and succeed.

Once upon a time in Santa Rosa, the only Christmas presents many of us received was a bag of oranges and peanuts donated by our local farmers.

There simply was no disposable income for gifts or fancy parties at home.

School plays and Mrs. Magdalena singing and playing the piano for us poor kids ranks high on my list of great pastimes. Yes, we were poor in resources, but rich in our little souls.

Let’s not forget that this season is to celebrate Christ.

God Bless America and Merry Christmas.

Ramiro Ochoa Santa Rosa