Why hate the rich?

Liberals seem to want to tax the rich at higher percentages. But why, they are the risk takers, they provide jobs.

Anyone can be rich in this country, if he is willing to take big risks.

Big Hollywood movie stars, are liberal because they used the welfare system before making it rich in movies and television.

In other words many lived off taxpayers in early years of their career.

A conservative small business owner, is the opposite.

He works his business until he gets it off the ground to where it is making him a living, then he may risk some of his profits to branch out, and if it is successful, risk some more for another, pretty soon, liberals say he is too rich and want him to give a bigger share than others.

If you continually penalize the risk takers, they will freeze their growth and lower their work force.

This is exactly what has been happening the last 8 years. Restrictions on small business and corporations have stymied growth and hurt the middle class.

The common denominator is that if businesses grow and hire more employees, they expect the new hires to make them money, therefore the business owner will make more money, but remember he took all the risk.

If one of his employees works harder than the

others, and makes him more money, it would behoove him give him more money.

You cannot stop the rich from getting richer, and why should you.

If you have chosen to drop out of school, to not learn a trade, to lay around the house, to go out drinking every night, to get expensive tattoos, earrings, and piercings, why should you get more respect than a person who busted his ass to make money and dedicate his time to making a success, only to have one political party expect you to pay more than your fair share to help the guy who doesn’t contribute anything.

Donald Shafer San Benito