High school continues drive to fight leukemia

HARLINGEN — There’s always a need for more research into leukemia.

That’s why the student council at Harlingen High School is once again raising money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

Tuesday, they wore their orange shirts with the popular hashtage #TeamWalkerPete and met with representatives of the organization to brainstorm ideas for raising money and awareness.

“It’s for Nick Peters,” said Student Council President Serena Garcia.

She was recalling the young HHS student who fought leukemia for years. He would have graduated last year, but an empty chair told an all-too-familiar and tragic story.

“The whole class knew him,” Serena said. “I didn’t, I wish I had.”

The students Tuesday afternoon talked about having begun these fundraisers after Nick became ill. They’ve been yearly events. The first year, HHS students raised $2,400, but afterward, for whatever reason, donations fell. Last year the amount spiked, and this year the student council has set a goal of $3,000.

They brainstormed several ways of collecting donations including Pasta for Pennies in which a boot is stationed in each classroom for students to drop pennies. Once the fundraiser is completed, the classes which donated the most money will have a party.

“We’ll also set up booths at football games,” Serena said.