Thanks for warm welcome

A week has passed and my wife and I are still talking about the reception we received at the 3rd Thursday Conjunto Nights at the Narciso Martinez Cultural Arts Center.

I was invited to perform at the Center and was immediately made to feel at home.

I have visited Harlingen, San Benito and the lower Rio Grande Valley on numerous occasions but never as a performer.

The audience was interested and interesting. I want to thank all those in attendance for their warm applause and interaction.

We visited South Padre Island and enjoyed the clean beaches and particularly Padre Rita restaurant, a pet friendly establishment with good food and great staff.

Definitely worth a return visit. Overall, the time we spent in the Valley was enjoyable and we hope to visit in the near future. Gracias to the Valley Morning Star for their great announcement regarding the event.

The Narciso Martinez Cultural Center is the sister organization of the Conjunto Heritage Taller of which I am a co-founder.

We share similar missions, i.e., keeping traditional Conjunto Music alive through education and presentation.

We have taken students to the NMCAC to perform at their annual festival, what we are teaching at the Taller.

Gracias to Rogelio Nunez, David Garza and Dr. Ramon de Leon for their participation and dedication to the perpetuation of this South Texas Folk music.

Gracias also to Juan Lugo for his accordion accompaniment.

He is a dedicated instructor of accordion at NMCAC.

Gracias for the invite, I thoroughly enjoyed being there and performing my music.


Rodolfo S. Lopez San Antonio