Politics as usual

The new GOP has used religion to hijack the moral values of their followers.

Now their followers no longer care about working people, people in general, lost all of Jesus’s great intentions and instead are brainwashed into believing that the wealthy are the most needy.

Again, slit their own throats because they think they fit in very nicely with the wealthy who could care less about them and working people’s well-being.

The new GOP motto is to encourage their followers to make plenty of graves, sacrifice all the poor and sick, the old Mayan ways, and flat out put them out of their misery.

Hitler sounds familiar.

Today, June 5, 2017, Trump’s approval dropped to 35 percent and support for Trump’s impeachment is now higher than his approval rating.

Today, I also see Bill Cosby being dragged into court for sexual assault.

Darn, if he was white, Republican, he would automatically qualify to run for our highest office.

If he played golf, would even be better.

Of course, he would automatically get pardoned and wouldn’t get any BS from followers.

It’s funny how a writer calls people that don’t agree with them, Communist when they and their leader are in cahoots with the biggest Communist nation.

Treason is on the agenda and they rejoice calling others what they truly support.

Go figure. Another writer goes on and on about over 40 percent of workers don’t pay taxes.

Duh, they can barely feed themselves and rely on taxpayer relief to survive. Like I mentioned here that these same people that complain are the same ones that feel the wealthy are the most needy.

The wealthy make huge profits on top of more corporate welfare than anybody can ever imagine. Again, corporate welfare was also meant keep their employees from having to rely on taxpayers, but that is not the case. The wealthy bleed us at both ends, but nobody cares. Again, common sense anybody.

Oh well, the good brainwashing channel does one hell of a job. Have a good day.

Juan Gonzales
