Share your memories of Hurricane Beulah

September marks the 50th anniversary of Hurricane Beulah, arguably the biggest storm to hit the Rio Grande Valley. Beulah caused billions of dollars worth of damage. At the time it was only the second hurricane to reach $1 billion worth of damage.

September marks the 50th anniversary of Hurricane Beulah, arguably the biggest storm to hit the Rio Grande Valley. Beulah caused billions of dollars worth of damage. At the time it was only the second hurricane to reach $1 billion worth of damage.

In September, we will provide special coverage of the anniversary of the storm.

We would like to hear from those who experienced Hurricane Beulah. Tell us your story/memories or feel free to provide us with photos and/or video of Beulah by emailing [email protected]. Please make sure to provide us with your full name and contact information so that we may contact you.

You can also fill out the questionnaire at the bottom of this story.