San Benito schools look for curriculum expert

SAN BENITO — In the coming months, the school district will be undertaking a massive curriculum writing initiative.

This stems from last year’s curriculum audit. It contained some unsettling discoveries regarding the districts current curriculum.

District leaders in charge of curriculum will take on the long writing process of revamping the curriculum.

Fast forward to now, the district will bring in a top notch specialist who will head the work. The specialist will focus on the areas of English, language, reading and math.

Julie Treviño, executive director of Academic Service, said last week, this will be the next phase after the audit.

The specialist will meet with the administrative team on several occasions to train them in writing a curriculum.

The district will be the ones to do the work.

“We all have experience with the documents but not the curriculum writing, which the audit stated we need the help on,” Trevino said.

The current curriculum is not at the level and rigor the district needs it to be.

According to the audit, the district has failed to meet the standard where curriculum is concerned.

The audit recommended the district implement ways to tackle the issue over a period of four to seven years.

This is the start.

“It is not only going to be the framework and the curriculum but it will also be the assessments and how it ties in,” Trevino said.

Among the several key findings in the audit, the study found the district lacks a comprehensive curriculum management plan to guide and design delivery of written curriculum.

The scope of the written curriculum is inadequate.

However painful the audit, district leaders found hope in the issues they could fix.