Not the whole story

The “Activists: Mexican who sought refuge in U.S. church detained” A.P. article in the 4/27/17 VMS, for obvious reasons to me, makes no mention that Arturo Hernandez was detained by federal immigration agents because he overstayed his 6 month visa by 14 years.

In Sunday’s 4/30/17 VMS, “Valley businesses joining May 1 strike” article, the word “illegal” is never mentioned along with “immigrant(s).”

The article ends with, “By immigrants not working, we’ll see how important they are here,” (Reymundo) Medina added. “We can’t let them be treated like criminals.”

Then have lawmakers change the immigration laws to immediately grant everyone who can make their way into the U.S. the same rights as American citizens.

Or, elect another president like Obama and other previous presidents that had no interest in upholding the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Immigration laws.

Is America a nation of laws or not?

Whether Democrats, leftists, or liberal “Republicans” like it or not, entering the U.S. illegally is a crime.

When I searched “penalties for entering the U.S. illegally” this is what U.S. Code 1325 states: Paraphrasing; entering the U.S. illegally is a misdemeanor. An illegal alien can be fined under Title 18 or be imprisoned not more than 6 months, or both.

If re-entry is repeated after being deported, the penalty becomes punishable as a felony. A person can be fined or imprisoned for not more than two years, or both.

That’s never said by Democrats, liberals, leftist organizations, and liberal “Republicans” is that they each have their reasons not to secure the southern border.

In my opinion, as I’ve said before, Democrats want to expand their minority base to further the liberal anything goes agenda ala California; corporate and small businesses want the millions more consumers and a steady flow of a very good and a very cheap labor force.

But someway, somehow, America as a whole needs to get back to being a nation of laws.

And for all the liberals that read this forum, I personally have no problem with “legal” immigrants from anywhere, as long as they and their offspring assimilate; they do not come here for the welfare benefits; and they will be law abiding citizens.

Lord wills, I hope to follow-up this letter with some of the tragic results of having a porous southern border.

N. Rodriguez Harlingen