In danger

The retirement health care system for the 250,000 retired public school employees is in danger. TRS-Care will be underfunded by over $1 billion in 2018-2019.

Compounding the problem is a projected $6 billion shortfall faced by the legislature for that period.

A committee of legislators studied the health care problem and recently recommended that retirees alone defray the $1 billion shortfall through drastic premium increases, reduced benefits, and higher co-pays.

This recommendation is unacceptable to the over 80,000 members of the Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA), whose primary purpose is to protect and improve the interests of its members.

TRTA is working with our legislators to find a fair and affordable solution to this crisis.

The impact that retired educators have on the economy of Cameron County is significant.

The combined yearly annuities of the 5,131 retirees living in Cameron County is $119 million.

Undoubtedly, a large portion of that amount is spent within the county.

The Texas Retired Teachers Association and its 252 local units throughout the state is the only voice that education retirees have at the state legislature.

In Cameron County there are three local TRTA units: the Brownsville Area Retired School Employees Association, the Harlingen Mid-Valley Retired Teachers Association, and the Rancho Viejo Retired School Employees Association.

We invite all Cameron County retired public school employees to join us by calling: Dr. Irene Gulley (Brownsville) 371-2623, Tom Bald (Harlingen area) 423-4108, or Maria V. Garza (Rancho Viejo) 350-0023. There is strength in numbers.

Sincerely, Tom Bald Harlingen