Rio Hondo residents come out against deception

What shall we call it? Theft by deception or just disrespect.

Whatever you call it, the people of Rio Hondo were wronged by the Rio Hondo School Board of “Trustees” who voted to increase the tax burden on the property owners by holding a huge bond election in a bad economy.

Theft – they stole the people’s vote by what they believe is staying within the letter of the law (that remains to be seen) and intentionally keeping an election as quiet as possible.

In a town as small as Rio Hondo, word of mouth would have been a great way to spread the word. Instead the School Board chose to remain quiet.

Deception because they chose to inform the school district employees, those more likely to vote in favor of the bond issue, but why was the “Citizens Advisory Committee” not formed?

There was space provided (but left blank) for a citizens advisory committee on the brochure given to the teachers but that committee was never formed.

Further evidence of intentional deception.

The bond issue was handled in an unethical manner by not respecting the voting public enough to keep them properly informed.

The deception continued when Superintendent Garcia claimed there was a rally when only 122 people voted. Was that the intent to get few people to vote?

If this project is continued, many will be harmed.

It will put an undue tax burden on homeowners, small businessmen and all other property owners who are still carrying an $18 million debt.

And now if continued will add another $20 million. This does not have to happen. Just because it’s been approved doesn’t mean that we have to use it.

The School Board members are elected to represent all of the community. This is not happening. The public trust has not been upheld.

The RH School Board did not stand up and properly represent the people who elected them.

Why did the school board want this bond to pass so badly that they resorted to deceitful and unethical practices to pass it? They want a new middle school.

What will a new school do for Rio Hondo?

Will it improve the quality of the education the students are getting?

Regarding the below average performance rating given the Rio Hondo ISD, I don’t really believe this due to a teacher problem but entirely an administrative one.

A superintendent, with two assistants, should be concentrating on providing their students a superior education.

I believe these administrators were hired to improve the quality of education. Why hasn’t that happened?

Come out and voice your opinions at the next school board meeting Monday, 6:45 p.m. June 13 at the RH Administration Building.

Sincerely, Dennis and Diana Bates RH ISD Tax Payers