Trying to ‘Slim Down’: Pair of locals working toward goal in HEB contest

HARLINGEN — They’ve made it past the halfway point of the Slim Down challenge. How are they doing?

Well, let’s drop in and find out how locals Michelle Giles, 47, and Chelsea Childress, 27, are progressing. A total of 30 participants are in the Sixth Annual Slim Down Showdown held by HEB.

Giles, who works at United Healthcare in McAllen, has made drastic changes in her eating habits since she began the challenge in January.

“Before, it was a lot of fast foods, whatever was easy to eat,” said Giles, one of 30 participants in the event.

“Now the meals are cooked,” said Giles, of Harlingen. “They’re not fried. There’s a lot of baking and grilling.”

The Showdown is a 12-week contest to provide contestants with the information they need to develop a healthier lifestyle. They also can win cash prizes.

Each week she and the other contestants receive a call from their health wcoaches.

“They talk to us about about how the week went and what do we need to improve on,” Giles said.

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