‘CinEstrelar’: Harlingen film production company to bring Spanish-speaking movies back to the big screen

“Una Buena Vida,” a Spanish language film shot in the Rio Grande Valley, will be part of a special double-feature opening of “CinEstrelar” from Harlingen’s El Valle Films to bring Spanish language movies back into theatres. The double-feature will begin at

7 p.m. tonight at Mission Border Theater.

“There’s a real lack of Spanish films in theatres here in the Valley,” said Max Rojas of El Valle Film Productions. “Most people who have lived here their whole lives — for example, like my abuela — they don’t like non-Spanish speaking films, so we are trying to bring them back into theatres.”

According to Rojas, Mission Border Theatre agreed to having Spanish speaking films shown regularly on Fridays in hopes to cater more to the Spanish-speaking community.

“We made a deal with Border Theatre, so we’ll start showing Spanish speaking films to kind of restart this era,” the 38-year-old Brownsville native said. “We’re kind of taking it back to a time when Spanish speaking films were shown all the time.”

Aside from “Una Buena Vida,” the special double-feature includes the film “Dos Caras De La Ley.”

“We’re only doing a double-feature this time around for the opening, otherwise, it will be just one film shown at two different times,” said Rojas. “Everyone likes to go to the movies, so it’s kind of nice for predominately Spanish-speaking residents to go out to a movie Friday night, too.”

Admission for the double-feature is $10 tonight. For $20, attendees will be able to meet special guest actor Guillermo Quintanilla (“Quien Es Quien?,” “El Señor De los Cielos,” “Saving Private Perez”)after the film, otherwise, entrance to the movie is $6 per person each Friday.

“Right now, these movies will only be shown on Fridays, but maybe we could do it more often depending on the turnouts,” Rojas said. “There’s a lot of room to grow with this locally. I want the Rio Grande Valley to be a place where Spanish-speaking producers and actors would want to produce and premier these films in so their fans could see them first-hand.”

For more information or to pre-order tickets, call Christina R. Garza at (956) 572-6780.