LETTERS: Support private schools and SB4 backed

Support private schools in Texas

The Texas House Public Education Committee recently heard testimony on HB 1335, a bill introduced by state Rep. Ron Simmons, R-Carrollton, allowing special needs students access to education services outside of their neighborhood public school. It was maddening to sit quietly as inaccurate information was shared about Texas’ private schools.

There were charges that since private schools are not required to follow the federal IDEA law, they could not possibly educate children with special needs. Please understand, it does not take a federal mandate to do what is right for children.

Private schools operate under contract law, meaning that parents and the school discuss what the school can offer for that child and sign a contract. It is a clear and effective way to make sure that children are educated according to the parents’ and the school’s expectations and abilities.

I recognize that there are thousands of public schools in Texas that do an incredible job of educating our children. However, for some students, it is not enough. It’s important that we support parents who want another educational option for their child because, after all, they know their child best.

Rep. Simmons recalled that after struggling in public school, his son with autism was able to play sports at the small Christian school they selected. He choked up when his son said: “Dad, I finally have a team.” This memory and other compelling stories from parents prove that sometimes private schools are the answer.

Laura Colangelo, Texas Private Schools Association

SB4 law backed

I was very disappointed by the commentary in Tuesday’s Monitor by Opinion Editor Sandra Sanchez. It seems she has been losing sleep for 16 years because of her daughter’s skin color which, she now fears, will cause her to be racially profiled. Contrary to the hate against law enforcement she spent three columns detailing, these officials are not out to throw every Hispanic they see into jail. It is not unlawful to be in the United States legally, nor has it ever been. Let’s not turn a matter of law (legal vs. illegal) into something with racial undertones. We’ve already been down that road with voter registration.

Everyone who is pulled over for a traffic violation has to show valid ID and proof of insurance. It has nothing to do with skin color or the language one speaks. She is not doing her daughter any favors by planting these seeds of discrimination.

Debra Bolin, Mission


Dear Sandra Sanchez: Why the fear of profiling? Why all the noise that illegal immigrants should not be stopped and asked questions by our law enforcement officers? Are illegal immigrants above the law? We, Americans, are routinely stopped and asked questions by law enforcement officers. I have been no exception. I have been stopped five times by Texas State Troopers and they have asked me all sorts of questions, besides asking me for my driver’s license and auto insurance papers. All five were Hispanic troopers, also. Did they profile me in stopping me? I do not know. Today’s problem is not SB4, as perpetuated by the news media. It is most unfortunate that some folks wish to use the poorest of the poor, as an inexhaustible gold mine. Those misguided folks would be well advised to find some other type of employment and income. And why do some folks take heed of the color of a person’s skin? Many people from Mexico, especially from the states of Tamaulipas and Nuevo Leon, do not have brown skin. Many folks should realize that not all Anglo-Americans are blonde and blue-eyed, either. Many people from Mexico use the adage: conocen su error (meaning they know they have done wrong). Any American and any illegal immigrant who breaks a law, knows darn well that they have done wrong and that sooner or later law enforcement will catch up with them.

In Mexico, being brought before a judge is called ser justiciado (meaning to reckon with the law and be fined or incarcerated). Therefore, any American or illegal immigrant, who has broken a law, should not be surprised if and when the police catches up with them to be justiciados (to reckon with the law.)

Juan Del Bosque, Donna