LETTER: Who rules over you?

We’re told that when the Marxist, Hope and Change candidate, Barry Sotoro, aka Barack Hussein Obama, won the 2008 election that he won 875 of the nation’s 3,143 counties and that he received a then record, 69.5 million votes. In 2012, Barry’s popularity declined and he reportedly won 186 fewer counties and 3.5 million fewer votes. His challengers, RINO John McCain received 59.9 million votes in the 2008 election and Mitt Romney, another RINO, received 60.9 million votes in 2012. In 2016, Hillary Clinton reportedly won only 472 of America’s over 3,100 counties and 65.9 million votes compared to Donald Trump’s 63 million popular votes and 304 of 538 Electoral College votes.

Then somehow and without campaigning, a lifelong career politician who is seemingly unable to keep from sniffing young girls’ and women’s hair and who is seemingly unable to keep his hands off of them, as well as being a senile old man who cannot speak two coherent sentences without a teleprompter, miraculously received over 81 million votes in 2020. As for how many counties Dear Leader, China Joe Xiden won, it’s hard to say as some DemocRAT counties may still be accepting and counting absentee and mail-in ballots from the 2020 election.

In spite of all the opposition and criticism from the liberal, oligarchyowned media, globalist billionaires, establishment Republicans worthless RINOS and leftist sports and entertainment celebrities, Donald Trump reportedly received 74.2 million votes in 2020, 12 million more votes than any Republican in history.

Its worth noting that at the end of the previous Congress, DemocRATS controlled 233 House seats and one from an Independent who caucused with them. On March 10, 2021, DemocRATS held 220 seats and the GOP held 211. How did Dear Leader receive 81 million votes while DemocRATS lost 14 House seats? That’s either very impressive or impossible. I say impossible without the 2020 election being rigged.

Consider how the percentage of votes for Donald Trump increased in longtime DemocRAT Socialist Party strongholds in Texas in 2020 vs the percentage he received in 2016. It just might be a little more difficult to cheat in Texas than say large cities in Wisconsin (Milwaukee), Michigan (Detroit), Pennsylvania (Philadelphia), Nevada (Las Vegas), and Arizona (Maricopa Co.).

The following stats are from the Wikipedia articles on each county.

– Zapata – 52.5% in 2020 vs 32.8% in 2016.- Starr – 47.1% in 2020 vs 18.9% in 2016.- Willacy – 44.0% in 2020 vs 30.4% in 2016. – Cameron 42.9% in 2020 vs 32.0% in 2016.Hidalgo – 40.9% in 2020 vs 27.9% in 2016.- Brooks – 40.2% in 2020 vs 23.6% in 2016.

And DemocRATS and the media expect me to believe that Dear Leader, China Joe Xiden, won 12 million more votes than Obama in 2008 when Obama was portrayed by the liberal oligarchy-owned media as the Messiah? Give me a break. I was born at night but not last night. By the way, isn’t it interesting that just like the oligarchy-owned media, Hollywood, globalist billionaires, the NBA and international corporations do, Dear Leader didn’t mention Wuhan or China during his carefully worded speech on the anniversary of the China originated pandemic? An intriguing quote that’s attributed to different authors comes to mind, “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” For anti-America DemocRATS and globalists that would be China, for me it would be _____.

N. Rodriguez, Harlingen