LETTERS: Comments about letter

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In a recent letter Ned Sheats states this country is full of “hate” and largely blames the Republicans. He states that during Barack Obama’s years in office, it was a time of sanity. He continues by alleging Republicans placed obstacles to prevent Obama from accomplishing several things during his terms in office.

Ned obviously has a short memory. The Democrats’ sole intent was to undermine President Trump’s administration from day one, leading with false Russian collusion charges, be impeached twice with no merit, indicted on false and made up charges, all with the help of the FBI, Facebook, the fake news, a corrupt judicial system and the entire establishment itself. Yet, Ned still believes there was no election interference and the election was not stolen?

Ned alleges President Trump’s supporters attempted an “insurrection” by storming the U.S. Capitol. What naive person can actually believe such an event can take place by protesters carrying Trump and U.S. flags?

Ned adds, the Trump administration failed to act quickly regarding the COVID crisis. He obviously does not recall President Trump almost immediately halted all flights from China to the USA and was of course accused of being racist.

Even today, Obama continues to disperse hatred in the form of racism to any major news event. Obama had the audacity to attach economic inequality to the OceanGate Titan submersible tragedy by alleging this event would not have been covered to such degree if the occupants were migrants. If Ned sees these acts as sane and not contributing to hatred, I wonder what he considers acts of insanity.

Unlike some misguided individuals who are gullible enough to still believe in the tooth fairy and enjoy mediocre leadership, the likes of Obama and Biden, I am all in to vote for Donald J. Trump for a second time and “Make America Great Again.”

Rene Castillo

San Antonio

Damaged immigrants

A criticism written by left-wing newspaper San Antonio Express-News criticizes buoys that our Governor is putting up to deter border crossings.

So what is wrong with that? The federal government is not helping Texas to deter crossings.

Sanctuary cities make heroes of folks who cross illegally into the U.S. They are not helping us with the problematic crossings of illegals. Somebody has got to take the reins for our cause.

Once again our governor is taking the lead.

Immigrants are welcome when they cross over legally, following the rules and laws of our country. We are a nation of laws. Or at least we are supposed to be a nation of laws and immigrants who come over lawfully understand and respect that.

All those who don’t follow the law will not follow the laws thereafter while living here. Why would they? They have no reason to do that.

The federal government and the left-wing cities welcome them with open arms and give them everything. Those people are damaged goods thanks to this kind of thinking. They will continue to expect things to be given them and they will break laws and their children will continue to live off the fat of the land, thanks to the hardworking taxpayer.

Therefore, again I want to commend our governor for continually working to stop illegal crossings.

M.C. Garcia


LETTERS — Limit letters to 300 words; all letters are subject to editing. Mail: P.O. Box 3267, McAllen, TX78502-3267; Email: [email protected]