LETTERS: Indictment addressed

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“It’s an ugly day for ‘democracy’ when a sitting U.S. president running for re-election uses the Department of Justice to ‘indict’ and ‘arrest’ his leading opponent”; so tweeted Texas Gov. Gregg Abbott. Why would our supposedly intelligent governor tweet such nonsense? It’s not true and he knows it. Is he hoping the MAGA crowd he caters to will swallow it hook, line and sinker? It worked for Donald Trump, why not him?

If Abbott really cares about our “democracy,” he should do what Luci Baines Johnson is doing; at age 75 she is fighting for our voting rights. Gov. Abbott should stand up to those in his party who, bit by bit, are connivingly tearing down LBJ’s legacy. It’s an un-American attitude, and it’s despicably disgusting.

Then we have Ted Cruz, the shameless “Cancun kid” who also lies to the MAGA crowd, telling them that the crimes Trump allegedly committed are “ticky-tack” and “little nonsense” offenses. “The indictments against Trump,” he says, “are garbage, shameful and disgraceful.”

Other GOP legislators joined the charade: “The indictments are a perversion of the rule of law.” “It’s a corrupt effort to derail Trump.” “It’s a relentless witch-hunt.” And, of course, they blame President Joe Biden. The one they labeled a “weak viejito” is suddenly a “powerful hombre” whom they and Trump must now contend with. And Biden is like, “Hoo-boy.”

The whole world knows that the only person responsible for Donald Trump’s painful predicament is the Donald himself. His weird, juvenile, un-presidential demeanor, believing he’s above the law and his inability to keep his mouth shut is what got him into trouble. And those senators who acquitted him after being impeached — twice! — should be considered his “partners in crime.”

And still, a great number of folks out there are enamored with him. But why? Have we been plagued with a pandemic of “dysrationalia,” which, as a writer previously mentioned, is the inability to act rationally despite having adequate intelligence? Have we reached the day Albert Einstein feared most, when technology will suppress our human interaction so much that the world will produce a generation of idiots? Are we already there? Is that why we find ourselves staring at little gadgets in our hands, twiddling our thumbs and mumbling, “Duh?” Hoo-boy.

Italo J. Zarate


Democracy in danger?

Is America on the path of losing our democracy? Some letter writers sure seem to be promoting the death of our freedoms as we have enjoyed since our ancestry by force threw out the rule of England!

It seems their diatribe comes from one man and his cult-like leadership of outright lying and spreading made-up rumors daily.

Richard Nixon gave us a warning about crooked leadership and its consequences. Nixon also gave us through his Department of Justice the idea that no president could be indicted while sitting in the presidency. This idea is a rule, not a law. Congress should pass legislation that would put a stop to this nonsense.

Also, the Supreme Court should not be legislating from their benches.

Another thing that is wrong with our government: Gov. Greg Abbott has mandated that counties have to reassess our property values every year, which in turn raises our taxes every year. But they cry from their soapboxes all the time that they don’t raise our taxes! What a crock!

Bill Williams


LETTERS — Limit letters to 300 words; all letters are subject to editing. Mail: P.O. Box 3267, McAllen, TX78502-3267; Email: [email protected]