LETTERS: Welcome legislation

I am happy to report that Gov. Abbott signed House Bill 4742 into law last month. It becomes effective Sept. 1.

This new law recognizes artificial drainage systems. Additionally, Texas Water Development Board may be preparing a written report on the challenges that communities with artificial drainage systems face.

We are excitedly looking forward to working with the TWDB as we hope it studies artificial drainage systems and prepares a written report.

This legislation undoubtedly leaves the door ajar for the next legislative session. To that end, we will be laying the groundwork to prepare for the new session. We have met with the Texas Water Conservation Association and Texas Municipal League. We also will be working closely with the local cities, counties and drainage districts as we prepare.

Special thanks to Rep. Janie Lopez and Sen. Morgan LaMantia for filing this drainage legislation and to all the members of the Valley delegation for their support.

On behalf of Cameron County Drainage District 5, big thanks to our state legislators, to the cities and counties that stepped forward and adopted resolutions, the city officials and engineers who testified before the House and Senate committees, and the engineers, developers, mayors and county judges who wrote letters of support. It was indeed a team effort!

Rolando Vela

Assistant general manager

Cameron County Drainage District 5



to Pharr

I want to say thank-you to the city of Pharr and its members for building a great relationship with Trinity Episcopal Church. Together we are united to help the city and its residents.

We now share property for the good of the city. I smile when I go by and see our police force in the parking lot. People come by and sit in our courtyard; that is what our church is for, sharing God’s beauty and love. Reaching out to those in need, and we can continue doing just that because of the city helping us.

We are closing in on 100 years being here. I hope and pray there will be another 100 years of sharing the love of God with this city. My thanks to the council for all they have done.

Greg Dozier


Debt deal


My memory of my early years include some things very clearly, and some things that are fuzzy.

I do recall in 1955, in a one-room rural school house, the old man who had taught in that school for decades said that “the reason bills get passed in the Legislature is because legislators have learned that a half loaf is better than no loaf at all.”

Through the years I have wondered, what world did that old man live in? All I see is an “all or nothing” attitude by all of the politicians.

I am not a fan of President Joe Biden or House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, but I do think both should be commended for what they accomplished with the “debt deal.”

My own opinion is that the debt deal was a not a half loaf for each side. I think President Biden got about 70% and McCarthy 30%. But maybe that is the way it should be in all future negotiations between the president and Congress, no matter if the president is Democrat or Republican.

If the old school teacher were alive, he would be smiling.

Vernon J. Berkemeyer


LETTERS — Limit letters to 300 words; all letters are subject to editing. Mail: P.O. Box 3267, McAllen, TX78502-3267; Email: [email protected]