Letters: People attacked

President Biden is still talking empty rhetoric about fighting for America’s soul and unity. Is he kidding?

He and the likes of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Michelle Obama and other comrades are reportedly using their power, the media, social networks, FBI and other powerful agencies to censure, go after conservatives and call good parents terrorists for rejecting dictator elite globalist ideologies, ignorant wokism, self-centered equity and climate change ploys to intimidate and destroy the lives of good Americans to gain total socialist control.

Is that what he calls the decency of America? To equate Hispanics to breakfast tacos? To cover up the reported lost migrant, unaccompanied children, whom government data report can’t be found? To defund the police? To make America last and foreigners first? Is that his twisted idea of “decent Americans?”

For Alejandro Mayorkas to praise his atrocious, human trafficking, cartel-colluding “border security?”

Unbelievably sick, and deranged!

Never ever seen before! The guy is totally nuts.

About the money-starved profiteers singing the lapdog Marxism praises in opinion letters, what’s happened to their souls? It’s been said easy, money-greed (government handouts) and absolute power corrupt absolutely.

Given their love and embrace for communist Marxism, Cuba, China, Russia, Venezuela and all the other banana republics, these globalist-conquered submissive minds are welcome to go seek their “utopia” in those dictator countries, and put their green climate change ploys to good use and live happily ever after.

It’s been said, “Sometimes fighting evil is not a choice, but an imperative.”

Imelda Coronado



draw defense

This is my response to Bill Williams’ letter to the editor dated May 1.

He said: “Now the Republicans want a dictator to rule in America — what a revolting idea! They want to control our elections, putting in office whomever they want and controlling our daily lives.”

Mr. Williams is on the right track, but he has the wrong political party and the wrong person to blame for creating a dictator-style government. We have that today.

Yes, we are rapidly becoming a totalitarian-style government with the state dictating how we will live. President Biden, his handlers and the DeepState have been weeding out conservative military patriots. He doesn’t want them in our military. He even forced our government employees including our military to get the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, which was not FDA approved, and which is now said to be not effective and causes harm to a great many people. Those who refused were kicked out of government, including our military.

And no, President Trump did not attempt to overthrow our government on Jan. 6, 2021. All he was asking in the protest was that the states whose elections appeared to be rigged not be able to cast their Electoral College votes until those issues could be resolved. If they couldn’t be resolved they could not vote. Seems reasonable to me, regardless of the political party it would impact.

Nope, I am not a Republican. I am an Independent. I vote for the person I think can do the best job to maintain the America that our Founding Fathers intended us to be.

Darrell Williams Sr.


LETTERS — Limit letters to 300 words; all letters are subject to editing. Mail: P.O. Box 3267, McAllen, TX78502-3267; Email: [email protected]