America’s greatest threat: Progressive liberalism

If you describe the changes in the American family by saying it has evolved instead of saying it has degenerated, you are telling me that you are a progressive liberal. These are prone to sugarcoat the evils in permissiveness according to my definition of progressive liberalism. We conservatives will not let you get away with that.

When the result of a fatherless family is tragedy or suffering, we know it is a broken family. When children are not raised in a home where both parents are present, there are frequently deleterious results. Increasingly, we have children raised in single-parent homes, in grandparents’ homes with one or neither biological parent, in foster homes or under adoption by a heterosexual couple, by a lesbian union or a homosexual union.

The percentage of increase in broken families can be observed by computer search. When more than half of U.S. marriages result in divorce or when children born out of wedlock increase to present levels, there are consequences. This is most significant for African Americans where 70% of their children are born out of wedlock.

Single-parent rearing significantly increases the probability that a child will eventually become a part of our excessive prison population, especially boys. Fully 60% of our prison population is from fatherless homes. Single-parent children are twice as likely to commit suicide and/or drop out of school, and four times as likely to be poor.

Psychologists enumerate several anomalies afflicting children raised fatherless, while finding no advantages in such rearing. One result of single-parent rearing is the feminization of our men and our culture. The one-sided female influence in child rearing leads to increased progressive liberalism as the state (government) takes over the former masculine role of protector and provider.

Our system encourages broken families: American women have no need of men; they can even obtain sperm from a sperm bank for reproduction. Laws protect women’s employment and ensure the availability of job training for employment or advancement, food, clothing and housing their minor children.

Some welfare families are better off financially if no male provider lives in the home. The fact that females are more than twice as likely to be progressive liberals as are men is thus increasing the number and percentage of people who think like liberals.

The failure of Republicans to follow Donald Trump’s lead in cutting welfare budgeting is a prime example of liberal thinking by politicians. The work or absence of one parent often results in almost no contact with their children, and since we have the largest prison population of any nation and since most prisoners are male, the children of prisoners are mostly reared by a female parent, and the children of military servicemen are likely to be reared by a female.

Business leaders and certain other professions often require men to be absent from homes more than women. The rearing of children by grandparents often leads to their neglect simply because they no longer have the energy to keep up with the younger generation, but these children have more of a chance at “normalcy” than do those raised by single parents.

Some adopted children are unlucky enough to be adopted by a couple who are following a fad or have enough time and money on their hands to seek a self image they find more “altruistic,” but really don’t like children all that much. Adoption is still preferable (in outcome) to foster or single-parent rearing.

Then there are the children who wind up in orphanages or foster homes. Finally, there are those reared by same-sex parents. I leave it to your own research to find the results of such rearing, but increased progressive liberalism is one result; another is the fact that an increasing number of children don’t want to go to the proper restroom. Gender dysphoria was once considered a disorder; now, who knows?

Progressive liberalism is defined as cultural degeneration by the legitimization and/or normalization of deviant behavior. Deviant behavior is defined as behavior that deviates from normal or from proven socially successful behavior.

Progressive liberalism is the greatest threat this nation faces. If we care where this country is going, there had better be people in charge who know how to raise children. Progressive liberalism is the disorder that got us into the predicament of not being able to pay our debts as a nation, while lowering our moral and cultural standards through deceptive disguises, such as tolerance, inclusiveness, diversity, political correctness, multiculturalism and progressivism. The way we are raising children through a welfare state is steadily increasing the percentage of liberal progressives within our population. Our worst enemy is from within.

Jim N. Taylor lives in Harlingen