Letters: Migrants’ courage

The recent story about Michelle Rojas, Daniel Hernandez and their 11-year-old son Santiago Hernandez (“At great sacrifice, two friends ferry a boy with spina bifida 2,500 miles to safety,” April 8) highlights the sacrifices many immigrants make to come to the United States. It takes courage to uproot your life and move to a new place in search of a better life for yourself and your family. The promise of freedom and opportunity is what draws many immigrant Americans to this country.

Unfortunately, the fascist faction controlling the Republican Party chooses to shame and blame immigrants, instead of recognizing their contributions to our society. They hope to divide us while taking away freedoms from all who don’t live, look and love like they do.

America is supposed to be the land of the free and the home of the brave. Let’s make it that way by changing our immigration laws. Let people like Michelle, Daniel and Santi — and anyone else with the courage to leave everything behind for a better life — come with a visa on a plane, not risking their life through jungles and on the tops of trains.

John-Michael Torres


Not doing

the most

A recent letter writer from Palmview writes, “Remember who’s doing the most for middle America: Joe Biden. The wannabe dictators on the right must be voted out so they can move to Venezuela to try to govern over there. Good luck from here.”

Yeah, Biden is doing the most for middle America. The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 has yet to reduce inflation in any way shape or form. Rising interest rates are costing those who use any form of credit more, food continues to rise in cost, gas and diesel are on the way back up for the summer travel season. So how is it that the current president has done the most for “middle America?”

He is confusing his dislike for Donald Trump and drinking the Kool-Aid of the Democratic Party, which blinds him to the reality that his president has done the most damage to this country, the economy and the “middle Americans.” I guess Palmview is in an economic bubble that excludes this letter writer from the inflation the rest of us are suffering from.

The 46th president needs a lesson in macroeconomic theory. The rising tide of inflation Biden created is responsible for the all-time high economic misery of the American middle class.

Jake Longoria


Can’t restrict


The April 14 news story about Greg Abbott and his followers wanting to restrict teaching and books about race, sex and orientation baffles me!

The worst sex story is living among us mortals every day and our children hear and see this story 24/7 in their homes. Are we going to start censuring what is put on the air, radio and newspapers every 24 hours of the day?

Our information that we receive daily is dominated by Donald Trump and his lifestyle of sexual behavior and lying his entire life. He is bigger than life, or in other words put on a pedestal to be revered by 99% of those folks who want to be in total control of what our kids learn.

Our children already know what Trump is doing and how bad it is — or do they learn from their parents that this behavior is ok? I know from raising five children, who are much more informed than you think. Their comprehension of computers and their ability to access information is unlimited in today’s modern AI world is astounding.

Bill Williams


LETTERS — Limit letters to 300 words; all letters are subject to editing. Mail: P.O. Box 3267, McAllen, TX78502-3267; Email: [email protected]