Letters: Indictment elicits fear

It was all over the news that former President Donald J. Trump had been indicted for crimes no one is sure of yet. This indictment was instigated by a Manhattan district attorney who was elected on a promise to prosecute the former president back in 2022.

From all accounts, this district attorney has a fervent hatred of President Trump, and the known and/or suspected charges are said to be a prosecutorial overreach for political purposes by a number of nationally well-known attorneys. After all, this is an unprecedented occurrence in the history of the United States instigated by a very biased district attorney against a person he hates. Our government officials at work.

The same day there was a news report about an American reporter being arrested on spy charges in Russia. The charges, denied by our government, were brought about by an overpowering government that hates the West and especially the United States.

I wonder if anyone besides myself sees any correlation between these two heavy-handed, set-in-motion events. The governmental overreach in both cases is frightening and every person in America who loves this country should be concerned about what is currently taking place.

This administration and the far-left wing of the Democratic Party are scared to death of Donald Trump being elected president again and they want to get rid of him once and for all. Like in Russia?

They have worked toward this end for the past six years as we all know. Now, they think they have him. The situation is frightening because it is seemingly more for political reasons than for criminal reasons. After all, this DA is knowingly soft on crime but not where Trump is concerned.

The very thought of politicizing the Justice Department is very scary indeed.

Melvin L. Thompson



didn’t harm

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy says the Trump indictment has “irreparably harmed” the country. What on earth is he talking about?

Prosecution of misdemeanor or felony crime is harmful, illegal, unconstitutional, wrong?

The answer to his befuddling statement is found in a message on a popular T-shirt: “Trust God. Not government.”

McCarthy is trafficking in the popular libertarian philosophy, which is also the evangelical church argument, that government is evil. The fundamentalist church and its anti-civic bedfellows, patriotic, libertarian Republicans, are the only forces for good on earth.

The problem with this is that our patriotic ancestors in 1776 were not fighting against government and law, they were fighting against “King’s government” and “King’s law.” And those bad laws of King George III are listed in painful detail in the Declaration of Independence.

Our ancestors wanted “People’s government,” and “People’s law.” When laws are made by the people, they are blessed by God, and people have respect for them.

McCarthy is trying to use our ignorance of history to return the nation to British-style autocratic government in the form of Donald Trump, himself, or a new Republican leader in 2024.

I get it. And now you get it too.

Kimball Shinkoskey

Woods Cross, Utah

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