Letters: Michelangelo and McCarthy

Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy is pushing the “Parents Bill of Rights,” which gives parents a role in what is taught in public schools. Why? Don’t parent-teacher associations exist anymore?

Then we have the things that parents can do with such rights, like complain about a lesson featuring the statue of David and labeling it “porno.” And for good measure, also forcing the school’s principal to resign. How utterly ridiculous is this? Sane, educated minds would never allow this to happen.

The following is from Search Britannica:

“David is a masterpiece of Renaissance sculpture, created in marble between 1501 and 1504 by the Italian artist Michelangelo. It is located in the Academia Gallery of Florence.

“Michelangelo decided to represent, with his work, the moment before David’s confrontation with Goliath. So we see a young David ready to hit the giant holding a stone in his right hand and a sling resting on his left shoulder.

“The tension of this young shepherd in front of his terrible enemy was represented by Michelangelo with details like an ‘intense expression in his eyes and an accurate contraction of the muscles showing the veins in relief where it would seem that the blood ran.’ Definitely, Michelangelo’s David is a masterpiece of the history of Florentine art and one of the most famous works in the history of mankind.”

My wife Perla and I were privileged to travel to Italy and personally witness the above-mentioned “intense expression in his eyes and the accurate contraction of the muscles showing the veins in relief.” Awed by the magnificent sculpture standing in front of me, I remember thinking, this guy, Michelangelo, he was quite a genius! And when I saw portraits of his likeness on the Academia Gallery wall, I said to Perla, “Look! Michelangelo looks like Jesus Christ!” And to date the question still lingers in my head. Was he?

Back to McCarthy, instead of wasting time pushing this “Parents Bill of Rights” thing, maybe he should instead focus on sending the complaining parents to art appreciation classes. Have them learn how to appreciate the magnificence of famous works of art, perhaps alongside their kids. Heck, at age 86, I wouldn’t mind participating myself. It would be awesome!

Italo J. Zarate



is socialism

Tuesday, April 4, 2023, will be remembered as the day when America’s heart and soul of decency and democracy were savagely attacked by the socialist greed for absolute power. It should be noted that it was perpetuated during Holy Week, three days short of Good Friday, a day of world mourning and observation of Jesus’ crucifixion .

Americans are a stoic and tolerant people, but will forever remember that this needless Stalinist-style, fuehrer-type, grandstanding court action against American citizen Donald Trump unveils the unrestrained, adversarial intent of socialism. It’s an escalation of hate that should never again be tolerated. It is egregious beyond any human being’s imagination.

This happens in banana republic dictatorships frequently, but should never happen in America.

Imelda Coronado


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