Letters: School choice draws attack

So Texas Gov. Greg Abbott wants to try and put our state’s entire public school system out of business by proposing his taxpayer-funded school choice legislation during his statewide road show that is taking place as we speak.

Can you imagine up to $8,000 of our hard-earned tax dollars going to every family in the state of Texas Just to choose which school best fits their children’s needs?

I’m all for school choice, but not at the expense of other people who will foot the bill for them and not to the point where our state’s public schools will be thrown into dire straits.

Just like LBJ’s “War on Poverty” when he was president, Greg Abbott’s “war on public education” is doomed to fail.

Remember, those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Roberto Lopez


Support mass


What if you could take a comfortable bus from Edinburg to Brownsville and back again for your classes and other UTRGV educational opportunities? I did so for the National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies Tejas Foco Conference in late March hosted by the UTRGVCenter for Mexican American Studies and Center for Bilingual Studies at the historic FortBrown area on the Brownsville campus near the GatewayInternationalBridge.

The conference featured a wide range of topics in both English and Spanish as well as academic and some non-academic speakers advocating for Chicanx/Latinx, lower-income communities and the environment of our state.

When UTB and UTPA were dissolved and reformed to UTRGV for its medical school, a regional school across the RGV was envisioned spanning Edinburg to Harlingen to Brownsville, and it has been accomplished.

With cross-Valley, non-stop mass transportation, UTRGV students and personnel can span the Valley for educational opportunities to the betterment of their communities.

It is hoped that our county and city will continue to support mass transportation, both institutional and public, to ensure smooth/safe transit across the RGV and allow high-occupancy vehicle lanes on all our major highways to decrease traffic congestion and increase opportunities across the RGV for all.

Diane Teter




Race is only important to racists.

Why do governments ask your race on census forms? Why do they, colleges and employers ask it on applications and surveys? They obviously plan to use that information in their decision making so they may take action accordingly. It’s called discrimination.

Many are so bold as to ask your religion, income, marital status, sexual or political orientation and even height and weight.

What do they plan to do with that information?

Some private entities ask only in order to fulfill some government-dictated quota or other criteria. Others are actually woke.

On census forms, I always answer the race question by check marking “other” and filling in the blank with “Human.” If any of those other aforementioned criteria are required, I answer “None of your … business.”

Unless you believe in racism and discrimination, I recommend you follow suit. Or are you a racist?

Jack McNally


LETTERS — Limit letters to 300 words; all letters are subject to editing. Mail: P.O. Box 3267, McAllen, TX78502-3267; Email: [email protected]