Letters: Witch caught

The “witch hunt” the 45th president is always ranting about has always found him, in every major investigation: the Mueller investigation, the two impeachments, the Jan. 6 committee and now all the indictments. He’s used that evil scream to tell his “base” to never leave him and to extort millions of dollars from them. But the saddest thing is that the base takes the hook every time. And they still want him to be elected as in 2016?

The Russian (Putin) is a proven assassin. The 45th has him as an idol because of his atrocities against innocent civilians and war crimes. Whew! What a leader to look up to! To many democrats that’s evil. Is the 45th blaming him for the attack on Ukraine? Hardly. He blames us Democrats. It’s always been “birds of a feather cling together.” And people still following this person only points to totalitarianism as acceptable.

The “witch” has finally met his “law and order” proclamation. I’ve never wished wrong on anyone. But in the USA everyone is under the law, however unequal it may be applied.

President Biden in his first two years has accomplished for the middle-class Americans more than any one president has. No president ever has been perfect in his accomplishments. But only one president has failed so badly.

The 45th went rogue on this country because of his greed for power and dollars. No one should get in his way. If that is his “base” love for democracy and he wins another term (which is unlikely) America will lose its freedom. A dictator will prevail. Some people may not believe it. One wonders how different things would have been if Hilary hadn’t lost. And how this “wedge” was there for four bad years. Happy witch hunting.

God bless America.

Oscar Garza




It’s amazing how many Republicans keep thinking Donald Trump was the greatest president this country ever has had.

They keep saying that if Trump were president today things would be better. But what they fail to mention is that if he were president today we would be living in a dictatorship because he would have overthrown our government and we would no longer be a democracy.

Also, when Trump was president he dissolved the safety net banks had that would require them to have a certain amount of capital as a safety backup. Just look at the bank failures the country has had recently.

Also look at the safety deregulation he made of the railroad industry during his presidency. We have had some catastrophic derailments because of his actions.

Lord help us with the stupidity of his action during his administration.

Jesus Rodriguez



in Cornyn

How concerned should Sen. John Cornyn be about reports of Mexican cartels engaging American youths in smuggling illegal migrants into our country?

It is disappointing for Texans and all Americans that this is going on during this failed Texas border security.

Newspaper reports of Sen. Cornyn showing support for Democrat Biden administration’s failing immigration and inflationary policies are very alarming to Republicans, Independents and conservatives. The senator needs to represent his party or switch.

Imelda Coronado


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