Letters: No-kill group draws attack

I am a concerned citizen who has been helping the Weslaco community with their stray dog problem for many years.

A large national organization has recently come into the area claiming they can make the RGV no-kill.

I have also recently seen a letter posted targeting the Weslaco shelter with what I consider bullying tactics. The title of the letter is “Weslaco has a killing problem.”

This type of behavior is not only wrong, it is counterproductive to our goals.

It hurts shelter staff morale and undermines all the good work and positive changes I’ve witnessed in the last several months. It needs to stop, and the group behind this needs to go back to Utah. Their “no-kill in 90-day program” is only trying to get money.

This mentality is working backward, not forward.

The problem in the RGV stems from the community and lack of education. If this group would invest as much money in educational programs for the community as they do in their no-kill gimmick, they might have a chance at sustaining no-kill with all their wonderful programs.

With their deep pockets, they could make a sustainable positive change in the RGV. They might even be able to fix the problem over time.

But if they do that, their money dries up. It’s much more attractive to donors to claim they can fix the killing problem in Weslaco in 90 days than it is to implement educational programs in the community that might take years to measure positive change.

Remember when it was acceptable for women to smoke while they were pregnant? That mentality took many years to change. But over time, with education, it is not common anymore to see pregnant women smoking. We are dealing with the same type of change. Because of their bullying tactics and terrible reputation I have dug up online in cities they have entered and left, I do not trust these folks. I love the Weslaco community and all the people. They want to improve their live-release rates for the animals as much as I do. But they will not fall victim to bullying tactics and unrealistic and unsustainable goals that do not offer solutions that focus on the root of the problem. Tracy Voss




It’s amazing how many Republicans keep thinking Donald Trump was the greatest president this country ever has had.

They keep saying that if Trump were president today things would be better. But what they fail to mention is that if he were president today we would be living in a dictatorship because he would have overthrown our government and we would no longer be a democracy.

Also, when Trump was president he dissolved the safety net banks had that would require them to have a certain amount of capital as a safety backup. Just look at the bank failures the country has had recently.

Also look at the safety deregulation he made of the railroad industry during his presidency. We have had some catastrophic derailments because of his actions.

Lord help us with the stupidity of his action during his administration.

Jesus Rodriguez


LETTERS — Limit letters to 300 words; all letters are subject to editing. Mail: P.O. Box 3267, McAllen, TX78502-3267; Email: [email protected]