Letters: Immigration: No quick fix

I am encouraged by Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar’s concrete opposition to her party’s immigration agenda. Her tenacity to create tools to welcome our world’s best minds to “the promised land” shows there is diversity of opinions moving toward positive change from our congressional leaders.

For too long both our Republican and Democratic leaders have taken to quick fixes for long-broken immigration policies. While I generally support President Biden’s domestic and foreign policy agenda, I think considering Salazar’s suggestions will lead to a more fair, comprehensive plan combining border security and asylum for qualified individuals.

Immigration to the U.S. did not get broken overnight, so why should quick fixes be kept in place as a solution?

Paul Abramson




Do you know anyone in your circle who wants to right wrongs? Not many of those types are around today. Even judges seem disinterested in justice, just wanting to get through their grinding day.

Do you know anyone who knows the difference between right and wrong, good and evil? Knowing that is actually a prerequisite for justice and is often lost today. Do you yourself even believe in evil, that kind of behavior that is so bad it is incorrigible, or at least takes a lot of effort to fix?

Do you know anyone who cares about other people on a visceral level? That gift doesn’t usually come to a young person until they first fall in love. But it usually doesn’t mature until one brings a child into the world and learns how to love and care for it. Today, fewer people are raising children in America. Therefore, caring has plummeted, and selfishness has skyrocketed.

Americans today are an unjust, morally ignorant and uncaring race of people. We have made our bed out of what is left of life after justice, ethics and caring are gone. And it ain’t much.

Kimball Shinkoskey

Woods Cross, Utah

Message for

Trump haters

I would like to present some good and bad news for Trump haters.

First, the good news. I would venture to guess/predict that former President Trump is no longer a viable candidate for the presidency for 2024 because the Democrat and Republican political establishment will find a way to block or prevent Mr. Trump from another presidential campaign. They will use the legal/judicial system or any other means to accomplish their goal.

And now, the bad news for Trump haters. With Trump out of the way, Trump haters will more than likely have to contend with Ron DeSantis, whom I would characterize as “Trump 2.0.” DeSantis can be characterized as such because he is a fearless warrior who will always stand up for what he believes without apology. DeSantis has shown his warrior instinct by taking on “woke” corporations, including the mainstream media, “woke” soft-on-crime prosecutors, as well as the “woke” educational establishment.

DeSantis is, moreover, a street fighter who will never back down or remain silent when he is verbally attacked. Unlike Trump, he will never ignore or remain silent if and when anybody refers to him as a clown or a “piece of you know what.” DeSantis will hit back and hit hard. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire.

So my message to Trump haters: Be careful what you wish for and be ready to get your feelings hurt.

Ben Castillo


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