Letters: Agreeing with letter

The letter to the editor by Mr. Kimball Shinkoskey printed Feb. 26 was spot-on. Common sense tells us that the U.S. corporations and universities have been selling and providing U.S. technology to Russia and China for decades. Revolutionary Saul Alinsky attributes it to pure greed. Mr. Alinsky said, “As for businessmen, I could persuade a capitalist on Friday to bankroll a revolution on Saturday that will bring him a profit on Sunday even though he will be executed on Monday.”

Mr. Shinkoskey stated that this treachery and collusion by corporations and government has been covered up for decades starting with the American investments of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin’s Communist government in the 1920s. Lenin took advantage of this corporate greed, thus making him a player rather than a pawn.

Lenin said, “The capitalists of the world and their governments, in pursuit of conquest of the Soviet market, will close their eyes to the indicated higher reality and thus will turn into deaf, mute, blind men. They will extend credits, which will strengthen for us the Communist Party in their countries, and giving us the materials and technology we lack, they will restore our military industry, indispensable for our future victorious attacks on our suppliers. In other words, they will labor for the preparation for their own suicide.”

Those words should be a wake-up call to our three branches of government as they pertain to us. As Mr. Shinkoskey said, components of the Chinese spy balloon were sold to the Chinese by American tech companies and today, these same tech companies have factories in China. So, to a certain point Lenin and Alinsky are right in their views.

True, capitalism is a system in which factories, land, etc., are used in making all kinds of goods and are owned privately for profit; but common sense tells us we should not be sharing these technologies with our enemies but instead with our allies.

Even this corporate greed has infiltrated the sports world. What is interesting is that many of today’s American socialist leftists think China will look favorably toward minorities; they have another thing coming.

We are basically a capitalist nation but some socialist Democrats will argue that we are a socialist country. But if we were, there would be no privately owned businesses or properties. We are a nation that was founded on the idea of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

China has become more aggressive under this current presidential administration. Recently, a Chinese fighter jet intercepted a U.S. aircraft flying over the South China Sea. With the 2024 congressional and presidential elections coming up next year, it will be interesting how many of our woke citizens will wake up and vote with common sense or continue on the path we been on the last two years.

Carlos Cantu



should rule

Hank Shiver hit the nail on the head regarding gun control. I, too, have reservations regarding our Supreme Court and the recent decisions they made: yes to no gun control, and no to legal abortions.

We need to run this country by majority rule — not hand it over for presidents to choose who is on this court.

Debra Bolin


LETTERS — Limit letters to 300 words; all letters are subject to editing. Mail: P.O. Box 3267, McAllen, TX78502-3267; Email: [email protected]