Letters: Reparations draw attack

For many generations, our ancestors worked at very arduous jobs that paid meager wages, from youth to senior age, under very difficult conditions. They never asked, nor were they ever offered, reparations.

Many of their present descendants still work the brutal farming field jobs, among many other extremely physically and mentally exhausting jobs, for low wages. They’ve never asked for, nor are they asking for, reparations. They are not now being considered by the government’s elitist lords for any reparations of any kind. Why would anybody else receive reparations based on ethnicity designation alone and not on actual merit? This is neither inclusivity, equality nor democracy, by any American real equality standard.

On that factual premise alone, reparations should be legislatively stopped for everyone, unequivocally and definitively.

It is absolutely un-American and disrespectful to ignore the many others who steadily contribute and serve us with their hard labor, only because they’re not part of the “preferred” cult.

More importantly, why are these “progressives” demanding reparations be funded by the taxpayers and not by these elitists, with their own “climate change” growing investments? Imelda Coronado




The Texas governor and attorney general may exercise their conservatism by not spending our tax dollars on excessive trips down here every week it seems. The attorney general is slithering off his legal debts acquired by his already proven faults on the whistleblowers lawsuit, $3.3 million, but to be paid by the state of Texas.

Abbott I’m sure could very well hold any conference anywhere in the state capital and have the news media tell us all about it. But I guess Biden was correct when he called him a Neanderthal after the 2021 big freeze. He does not spend his dollars nor pay for the flight fuel. All paid by us taxpayers.

Other facts for those other RGV conservatives who complain about much spending: 1) Since the 1997 welfare reform act according to the Monitor editorial, immigrants can’t get most welfare benefits.

2) Asylum seekers and refugees are not the same as visa applicants.

3) Immigrants are here to work, not to be a burden on society, as many already know but like to hammer down that they drain our economy. This country’s prior immigrants have always come to work for a better life.

Therefore, the governor and attorney general should stop wasting taxpayers dollars and spend your money on personal vendettas coming down here. Pay your legal debts.

What it takes to pay for a single Patriot missile feeds 1,000 families for one year. The U.S. military burns a big bunch every year. Those patriots may think that both are essential to this country.

Political money waste brings nothing but ego to show-offs. Someone tell me America is better off spending on families and missiles or burning airplane fuel.

Oscar Garza


LETTERS — Limit letters to 300 words; all letters are subject to editing. Mail: P.O. Box 3267, McAllen, TX78502-3267; Email: [email protected]