Letters: Insights offered

Some insights:

1. What if looking at the 5:30 network news some afternoon, you saw such a fait accompli complete with current office holders resigning with pensions intact, a provisional government in place, the military in support, free qualified elections for a subsequent civilian administration within 90 days, etc.? Would you then support the government? 2. Pandora’s Box has already been opened by self-serving politicians, and we suffer now from their deplorable but legal machinations: a wrecked economy due to self-destructive, unworkable laws; porous borders; a dangerous deterioration of military preparedness; an entrenched, super-corrupt set of legislators salaried for life who legally inflict on the people laws that they pass for us but do not apply to them; an administration that openly promotes a welfare system (ruinous to a shrinking middle-class working population) — see: stimulus checks, student debt cancellation that “cancels” debt by merely adding it (illegally) to the growing national debt, etc.

3. Our constitutional system has been corrupted beyond repair by socialist, “progressive” parasites who now legally enact counterproductive laws that cripple us, denigrate work, patriotism and self-reliance and substitute a way of life whereby the government births you, educates, you houses you, feeds you and inters you.

This deplorable situation enriches and empowers those in government at the expense of the people governed. It came about by loosening requirements for the franchise, gerrymandering, wrongful redistricting, voting blocs and weaponizing the IRS, FBI, CIA, etc.

4. Part and parcel of a fresh legislative start should necessarily be a redefinition of voter qualification: currently an undereducated 18-year old high school dropout can vote (and cancel the vote of an educated, adult with a vested interest in the country). At that age a kid’s prefrontal lobe where judgment originates has not even matured. Ballots are printed in a foreign language! The list is endless. Most people voice their principles; they routinely vote their interests. So, do you believe kids will forgo debt forgiveness or that those in Congress will vote to eliminate their lifetime entitlement? I can’t believe that.

5. Gangrene cannot be medicated successfully with Tylenol; in order to save the country, gangrene must be removed.

El Sellers

Fairfield, Texas



Now that the Trumpists lost the elections in November and things not looking bright for their idol who announced for the presidential nomination in 2024, their bubble is pretty much burst. In my opinion, Donald Trump may not even win the GOP nomination as the most powerful congressmen and senators are turning away from him (as they should have after Jan. 6, 2021), and Trump may be facing jail time for all the illegal stuff he’s gotten away with in the past.

And since the country is beginning to economically get better slowly but surely, our great leader president Joe Biden may win another term in 2024 as Americans realize that control of the world economy is not solely Biden’s doing. But good old Joe brought us out of COVID, which Trump would wait for the so-called herd immunity and would have killed not 1 million Americans but many, many more. In other words, Trump was lost as to what to do in any situation as president. But he had his chance and blew it.

We Americans cannot and will not afford another fiasco by a wannabe autocratic, anti-Semitic nationalist. In my opinion those Trump-loving politicians may go down in history as an asterisk, period. Forgotten.

America is poised for greatness under Joe Biden. The MAGAs are being forgotten day by day. America has had enough. I opine it will be more difficult for the GOP to yell fraud in future elections as the country is watching. Therefore, if the Republicans are not offering solutions for our economy, let Joe continue his serious effort to steer our country well and get out of the way.

It may seem long way to 2024 but the good things are 1. Trump is out. 2. President Joe Biden is in control. 3. Americans are smart to leave the GOP and take control of the good-old USA. Viva la democracia. God bless America.

Oscar Garza
