Letter: No idea on crime

On the opinion page of The Monitor dated Nov. 26, 2022, Mr. Hank Shiver states, “Crime in South Texas border cities continue to decline, or so The Monitor says. If this is true, then every Republican in the USA is a liar.”

Mr. Shiver, are you implying that what is happening in South Texas makes every Republican in America a liar? The vast majority of Republicans (and Democrats, for that matter) have absolutely no idea what the crime problem situation is in South Texas, nor do they express an opinion on the matter. Most folks have crime problems of their own and really couldn’t care less about ours. What we have here, in my opinion, is a failure to communicate — accurately. Me. Shiver, in his usual “buckshot style” of writing, paints the whole 76 million Republicans who voted in the last presidential election with the same brush based on what is happening in Hidalgo and Cameron counties. Seriously?

We are better than that, or at least, we should be.

José C. Coronado
