Letters: Candidates draw attack

It’s admirable to see more and more women enter politics, but it’s disappointing to see them lie. Myra Flores is giving out so much misinformation, in an interview with Paola Ramos she stated that she believes the election was stolen, but acknowledges that Biden is the president — the worst president ever, she says.

Her ads say Biden wants to defund the police and the Border Patrol. Biden is killing energy jobs.

Who does she think built the wind turbines and electric cars?

Why is she so against progress and a cleaner climate?

Her husband, who works for the Border Patrol, will be happy to know that President Biden has allocated $15.3 billion toward hundreds more agents on the ground and more officials for the paperwork; $30 million more for police training and equipment; also another allocation of $3.5 million for health coverage for veterans who were exposed to the burn pits in Afghanistan.

If Mayra is so godly and family centered, why did she vote against having sensible gun reform? Can she explain why there is a need for rapid-fire guns like the ones used in massive killings? Is it because the NRA is donating to her campaign like they donate to Ted Cruz and Greg Abbott? Oh, but they always send their thoughts and prayers.

Another misinformed candidate is Monica De La Cruz, who from her helicopter flying over the area of the border wall says she can see Biden’s failures. Hello, Monica, did you forget it was Donald Trump who bragged about building a wall stronger and higher and Mexico would pay for it?

Let me tell you who the real failure is: Trump’s chief strategist Steve Bannon! He and a private group of Trump supporters donated millions; they call themselves We Build the Wall. Bannon stole the money for his own personal use.

De La Cruz interviewed people in her ads saying Biden doesn’t support small businesses. President Biden in a historic bipartisan infrastructure law procured millions to help small businesses.

Both candidates are just repeating the Republican mantra: lie, lie, lie, and instill fear, make people scared if you vote for a Democrat; after all, fear mongering is what got Trump elected.

Baby boomers, millennials, Generation X, don’t drink the Fox Kool-Aid. As for me, I am too informed to vote Republican.

Christina Gutierrez


Good effects

from busing

Shipping migrants cross-country has done something important. It has alerted the nation to the need for humanitarian aid and solutions that are a hemispheric responsibility.

And, it has clearly broadcast to the world that Texas is the Unfriendly State, that we don’t follow the teaching to “welcome the stranger,” and that immigrants should take their labor, their talents, their hopes and their dreams to someplace more hospitable.

Interestingly, the border area also moves homeless cats and dogs out of state because our shelters are full — although these transports are carefully coordinated so that the animals immediately receive welcome and aid at their pre-planned destination.

Don’t expect that kind of care from the state of Texas if you are a human being needing help.

Lisa Kay Adam
