Letters: Patriots, crazies

Mr. Joel Ramirez claims that gas prices and food prices are up compared to when Trump was president. Aren’t gas prices and food prices up all over the world due to an oil price jump?

This has cost the delivery cost for everything around to be shipped to their destination.

Funny thing that at the end of his letter he stated that “when ‘MAGA crazies’ were in office, prosperity and patriotism in the U.S. was everywhere.” We witnessed their so-called patriotism when it attacked the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

We also have started to hear about other so-called patriots who were trying to sneak in fake electors and trying to steal the presidential election.

So you see, Mr. Ramirez, the only one who was trying to steal the election was in fact your MAGA patriot Trump.

Jesus Rodriguez




CNN reported that 94% of Democratic primary voters under 30 want a new 2024 presidential nominee, not Biden.

With Biden, all the evidence. No investigations (material from Hunter Biden’s laptop has been entered into the official Congressional Record). With Trump, no evidence. All the investigations.

A fraction of the $60 billion of our tax dollars sent to Ukraine could’ve completed Trump’s border wall. This wall would solve the current humanitarian crisis, drug trafficking crisis and the human trafficking crisis all at once. The Democratic politicians in D.C. have no interest in fixing that.

While we suffer from high gas prices, the Biden administration sold 1 million barrels of oil from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve to a Chinese oil company that his son, Hunter, has financial ties to. This oil reserve is for emergency purposes and the White House just announced the sale of additional 20 million barrels of oil, bringing the levels to the lowest since 1985.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says drivers can save as much as 11 cents per gallon on fuel by properly inflating their tires. But it’s evident that properly counted votes can save drivers $3 a gallon!

Biden got 81 million votes? I don’t think I’ve ever seen a pro-Biden hat or shirt. And his approval rating is falling fast.

Last month it was reported that the Biden administration was suing Arizona to block that state from implementing a law that would require potential voters to prove U.S. citizenship as a condition to vote. Treasonous.

Someone said we are in the midst of the longest, saddest, most excruciating “I told you so!” in the history of the world. It seems that Biden is the best president other nations have ever had.

Joel Ramirez




So now we are “defunding” the police, we are releasing hardcore Texas criminals without bail, and we are hiring 87,000 new IRS agents to go after hard-working, tax-paying, law-abiding citizens. If I may ask, What’s wrong with this picture?

José C. Coronado


Editor’s note: The Texas Legislature last year enacted a new law that prohibits the release of anyone accused of a violent crime without payment of cash bail.