Letters: America has changed

We have taken many of America’s hard-won and once much-envied freedoms and turned them into good examples of extremism, hate and discontent. Once the envy of the world, we now show them a face scarred with internal strife, disillusion and an unstable government.

How did we do this? We amplified, exaggerated and modified these precious rights and made ourselves the best possible examples of “give them an inch and they will take a mile.” We became female and male Karens and a population infected with massive quantities of affluenza, plus the “my way or the highway” theory of politics.

Where the Constitution guaranteed us freedom of religion, we amplified it to prefer a certain religion, or you were segregated. We allowed and encouraged freedom of the press to include lies, exaggerations and political statements rather than truth. The right to peacefully assemble and petition the government has now been blatantly bastardized to mean invade the Capitol, interrupt government and cause the imprisonment, injury and deaths of citizens.

The right to keep and bear arms by a “well regulated” militia has been redefined by manufacturers and radical gun owners to the point where “arms” means not a musket or black powder pistol but a weapon that, when modified, is capable of firing 600 rounds per minute. Forget “well regulated.”

The Constitution tells us that we are to be secure in our persons, houses and effects, yet our Supreme Court has recently ruled that a woman may not have control over her own body. The face we have turned to the world is that of a family of spoiled brats and dysfunctional parents. I am afraid this time a group hug is not going to suffice.

If I were looking for an investment it would be in processed crow. Because, folks, there is going to have to be a lot eaten on both sides, followed by humble pie before we get out of this, and we had better start now.

Ned Sheats


Migrant deaths

a made-up story

Once again you have a liberal paper making up stories, the San Antonio Express-News regarding immigration and border issues (editorial, July 19).

This newspaper will have you believe that it’s first necessary to work out a solution than to have border security. The only real solution is to have Joe Biden not allow illegals to cross and close our borders to them. If Biden is not going to act, then we Texans expect our governor to do so. First things first, I say. Stop the bleeding first, then try to talk sense into Biden. Apply the tourniquet first, then heal the wound.

The newspaper talks about Gov. Abbott bragging regarding his increase in security. I say he is informing Texans with the truth about what he is doing to protect our borders, and that’s the way it should be. But the liberals call it bragging.

The deaths of illegals in a trailer in San Antonio are on Biden’s hands. It is his policy on the borders that is encouraging people to risk their lives by trusting human smugglers to abuse these illegals to the point of death. Gov. Abbott treats these illegals humanely and he is doing his best given the situation at hand. Gov. Abbott is doing what most Texans want done: telling the truth about what he is doing to protect our citizens and protecting our borders with increased vigilance.

Thank you, Gov. Greg Abbott.

M.C. Garcia
