Letter: Weapons defended

Ileana Vicinaiz (“Impose Beliefs,” June 21), writes, “Members of a society who have no problem killing children in the womb have no problem killing children in the classroom.” I don’t know what her literary intent was, but she inaccurately tries to equate the easy access to abortion to the Uvalde school shooting.

The abortion issue is about pregnant mothers willingly killing their own unborn children and the other issue is about a lunatic breaking into a school to kill others’ children. There is no comparison.

Yes, Italo Zarate (“Only in America,” June 21 July 1) and Jesus Rodriguez (“Let’s address gun violence,” June 22 29), 2nd-Amendment family also believes in strong background checks for gun ownership. However, we know some people out there are just absolutely crazy! You cannot legislate enough to prevent some insane person from committing some random act of violence. There are maniacs everywhere living among us. Just last year during a Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin, a demented man drove an SUV through the crowd, killing six people and injuring more than 60. His attorneys are now changing his plea in court, saying mental health issues played a role in the crash. He killed people with an SUV!

Crazies will use any means to hurt innocents. But please, don’t make it harder for me to protect my family.

This is one of the best analogies I’ve read recently: “Good thing God did not ban rocks after Cain killed Abel. Otherwise, David would’ve been defenseless against Goliath.”

Joel Ramirez
