Letters: Thomas addressed

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas wants all devout Christians to work to limit freedoms of those who are not fundamentalist Christian. He wants gay marriage ruled unconstitutional and to remove the human rights of gay people.

Justice Thomas said that “in future cases, we should reconsider all of this Court’s substantive due process precedents,” pointing to Griswold v. Connecticut (contraception), Lawrence v. Texas (same-sex marriage), and Obergefell v. Hodges (same-sex marriage). “Because any substantive due process decision is ‘demonstrably erroneous,’ … we have a duty to ‘correct the error’ established in those precedents.” Thomas never said anything about interracial marriage being revisited.

“According to God, we should hate Pride, not celebrate it,” Pastor Jonathan Shelly said several weeks ago at an Arlington, Texas, City Council meeting. “God has already ruled that murder, adultery, witchcraft, rape, bestiality and homosexuality are crimes worthy of capital punishment.”

The following are a few things not in the U.S. Constitution and can be ruled unconstitutional: Freedom to make one’s own decisions. The right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness (That is in the Declaration of Independence and not part of the Constitution.) Marriage. Jesus. God. Virgin Mary. Pro-life.

The Christian Bible supports a lot of the world’s evil. Why was it right for God to slaughter women and children in the Old Testament? How can that ever be right?

Is interracial marriage next? It was based upon the same theory as Roe v. Wade. Feb. 27, 2014, Texas Freedom Network: “Texas Politicians Make the Case for Upholding State Bans on Interracial Marriage.”

“Belief in a cruel God makes a cruel man” — Thomas Paine. We can have a loving God or a cruel one. The true values of God are reflected in the actions of those who profess belief.

Hank Shiver



is not well

It’s no wonder America is doing so poorly. Many, even most, adult Americans have given up on much of life they used to enjoy, like riding a bike, swimming in a pool, hiking, working in the yard or garden.

We are so overweight, we put every ounce of energy into getting through the work day and have little left after getting home. Exercise is out of the question. Participation in democracy is unheard of.

Our disposable income and time are spent on sedentary activities like video games, cruising the internet, texting friends and family, visiting porn sites, filming goofy scenes and sharing photos of restaurant plates.

Only half of adults and a quarter of youth get recommended aerobic exercise, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Intervention. For decades now, obesity has been affecting national security. Some 71% of young people would be ineligible to join the military if they wanted to, in large part due to obesity. Some 66% of current service members are overweight or obese.

Historically, Americans are not unusual in this respect. Nations strong and secure through economic superiority and military strength typically become apathetic and lethargic, having little fear of losing people or possessions. Ancient Egypt, the great power of the ancient world, was known for having citizens, the Bible says, who were “great of flesh.”

But the problem runs deeper than just losing physical function and full access to life’s greatest pleasures. Our foodie pastime has tarnished our nation’s reputation in the world.

We are no longer America the Beautiful. We have become instead America the Fat. Our amber waves of grain rot in the fields, lacking harvest workers. Americans pledge allegiance to themselves alone. God can’t shed his grace on thee, because he has fled the scene.

Our frustrations as a people are rooted in both ourselves and our leaders, but for different reasons. We are a people unprepared for democracy. Democracy requires a people committed to the education, health and welfare of others. That is not us. We are committed to luxury and personal glory. We are committed to pleasure and entertainment.

We are fit only for autocracy, aristocracy, oligarchy. Those systems invite the very few elite among the people to form their ranks, the ones who are physically, emotionally, socially, financially and intellectually fit. The problem with our 1% class is that they have become spiritually and ethically challenged beyond all repair. They have become irrational worrying about potential loss of their riches by means of public policy changes.

So, to sum it all up, America not only has insufficient leaders, it has very few capable followers, because we are mainly wallowers.

Kimball Shinkoskey

Woods Cross, Utah


to letter

Mr. Jesus Rodriguez’s letter of June 26 believes we should educate children who are not U.S. citizens.

We’ve done it for centuries. It’s time for some cooperation from the open-borders instigators.

Some of these “non-profit” organizations have amassed net worth in the $29 million and up category. They incite and magnetize open borders, but expect Texas alone to pay for their expansion greed.

Imelda Coronado


Air can’t

be cleaned

Global warming nuts: Do any of you have any common sense? Do you realize that the air above us is constantly moving, and all the work we do to clean the air moves out every day?

If all the countries in the world won’t work to stop global warming, all we do is for not.

Those of us who live in the south every year have a month where the Saharan dust travels from Africa to the United States and our skies are cloudy every day because of the dust.

How do we stop that from happening? We can’t — so wake up and let’s spend our money on housing, gas, food and water, which make our lives better for everyone. Common sense.

Bill Rouillier


Voter switch

spurs comment

I read in The Herald on June 28 that tens of thousands of suburban swing voters who helped fuel the Democratic Party’s gains in recent years are becoming Republicans. Why? Have they already forgotten why they voted Democrat in the last election? Is their attention span ridiculously short?

I suppose the GOP is very happy to hear this. But what if their voter suppression tactics and their loony gerrymandering and their cheating ways fail to produce the results they want? Will they once again resort to claiming voter fraud? Will they once again send in their lynching mobs to disrupt the peaceful transition of power? Hoo-boy — just asking.

Italo J. Zarate




I’d just like to commend the letter from Jesus Rodriguez printed July 5. He hit the nail right on the head, and didn’t mince words.

I just hope Jake Longoria and Imelda Coronado read it while they were eating breakfast! Everything is spot on!

The only thing I would add is that, although it is true that world leaders were laughing at the Orange Man — and there is actual footage of that — it wasn’t just they. Members of his own Cabinet were doing the same — people like his own secretary of state, his own national security adviser. But of course, Jake and Imelda conveniently forget about that.

Thanks Jesse, for that awesome letter.

Mike Martinez
